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I'd like to start by making the preface that this is an opinion thread.  MY opinion in this thread will not gel with the majority opinion of members of this site.  Feel free to post alternate opinions to my own, and to point out why mine may be incorrect, but leave personal attacks out of it please.

I picked up a DS Lite a few months back for an extremely cheap price.  My gaming time of late has been limited (along with my VGC post count) due to University and work.  As such, I was hoping to add some portable gaming into the mix to supplement my gaming hobby at times when I would otherwise be doing nothing such as train trips etc.

I picked it up with FFXII: Revenant Wings and New Super Mario Brothers, and have played a few other titles intermittently.  I'd like to acknowledge right now that this means I have barely scratched the surface of the DS's library, and this is a preliminary opinion piece only.  Whilst I am not implying that the DS is a poor form of entertainment, it has not grabbed me to nearly the extent I believed it would.  I find it's RPG's difficult to get into, it holds little allure as a form of entertainment beyond that of convenience and it overall would not have been worth it had I paid full price for the console.  Indeed, the reason I got it so cheap is because the person I bought it from (an ex-girlfriend) got bored with it very quickly.

New Super Mario Bros is easily the best game I have played on the console, and I will say that I have enjoyed it a lot.  That said, it is a classic Mario platformer and not enjoying it really would be the final straw.  Even saying this, the title hasn't grabbed me as I thought it would.  It occured to me that perhaps I just don't like portable gaming, but this holds little water as I still play Pokemon and Jurassic Park on my old Gameboy Pocket.

But last week I got the pleasure of borrowing my friend's PSP.  With it, I got FFVII: Crisis Core and GoW: CoO.  This my friends, is what portable gaming is supposed to be.  An epic experience that fits in your pocket.  I found the console to be aesthetically far more pleasing, and better controlled.  I'm giving serious thought to purchasing one of my own.  From my admittedely limited software experience with each console, I must say that I find the PSP to be FAR superior for my own tastes.  Some may call me a graphics whore as I own the most proven graphically-enabled console to date (Xbox 360), but as I said, I still play my Gameboy, and I also still play my Nintendo 64.

I'm am severely tempted to sell the DS, but I am looking to rent The World Ends With You and thinking of waiting for Chrono Trigger.  If those two titles can't save my perception of the console, nothing will.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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*hands over flame shield*

You'll be needing this. Have a g'day, mate.

¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™

starcraft said:

 I own the most proven graphically-enabled console to date (Xbox 360)

Have you considered becoming a lawyer? Making an absolute statement, while leaving yourself enough wiggle room via the "subjetive-basis" route is a fine skill, my friend, and I'd hate to see it wasted.

As to your topic, glad to see that a sample of two games on each platform has formed a near-solid opinion in your mind. Sell your DS, get yourself a PSP, and have at.

But why do you (and many, many others) insist on making MySpace-esque threads about how you feel about System X? I've never understood that...



All the RPGs on the DS, even tactical RPGs, and you had to pick Revenant Wings?

This was a poor choice, my man! You should have consulted someone.

noname2200 said:
starcraft said:

 I own the most proven graphically-enabled console to date (Xbox 360)

Have you considered becoming a lawyer? Making an absolute statement, while leaving yourself enough wiggle room via the "subjetive-basis" route is a fine skill, my friend, and I'd hate to see it wasted.

As to your topic, glad to see that a sample of two games on each platform has formed a near-solid opinion in your mind. Sell your DS, get yourself a PSP, and have at.

But why do you (and many, many others) insist on making MySpace-esque threads about how you feel about System X? I've never understood that...


I wonder the same.  Maybe this site need blogs aswell.


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So what are you asking us to say? I'm confused....

Gratz that you found what you like ,from what i read it seems you suit to PSP more than DS.:3
For me only game i play on PSP's MH series.:D

I'd like to know what other games you've played :3
If you think NSMB is the best game on the system, then I'm guessing - not many?

I have the hose ready starcraft!

Loved the "most graphically-enabled console to date (XBox 360)" by the way! At least you stand by the TRUTH.....cough....I mean your opinion. Though the already presented flame shield and a good wet-down may not be enough. Here goes.....

It's up to you what you like, of course, but if you're a big RPG fan you really do need to give the DS another chance. Revenant Wings is one of the lowest-rated RPGs on the system.

Try FFTA2, Mario & Luigi 2, and Pokemon Diamond/Pearl.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."