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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - THE Naruto game coming for the Wii!

I'm not really hyped about this much as blind hype goes..I already know the I know these improvements will make the game great..for me

and I do care if it sells alot: can talk about it more..and play with more people ^^''

as for moves..Naruto holding a jkage bunshin's hand? and slapping the opponent around?..wth? sorry...and ofcourse..most supsers in UNS are dragonball instead of naruto..wich only a fan of the series would understand XD

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deathcape said:
I'm not really hyped about this much as blind hype goes..I already know the I know these improvements will make the game great..for me

and I do care if it sells alot: can talk about it more..and play with more people ^^''

as for moves..Naruto holding a jkage bunshin's hand? and slapping the opponent around?..wth? sorry...and ofcourse..most supsers in UNS are dragonball instead of naruto..wich only a fan of the series would understand XD

As far as I know the game doesnt have online so it doesnt matter a lot. I can still play it with more people by just inviting them to my house, its not hard to learn the controls, or play it with my bro. As for the talking, I dont have friends that like naruto,I would just tell them I have a fun new game.

And you might wanna look at 0:33, but that must be from DBZ, I couldnt imagine ninjas doing those thins, it must be a mistake.


I'll check the video later..don't have time

and yes..most of my friends love fighting games in general..and GNT is really easy to understand as play...but is also really deep..kind of like Smash Bros..

I don't assume you've ever played any of the good games..wich are 3 and up

(rev 1 or 2) or EX3..EX 1 and 2 seemed to suck bad

so..I don't see why you have to waltz into my Wii Naruto thread and fill it with useless UNS all the other sony fanboys..

I wanna discuss this..not UNS..already played my fair share of young Naruto characters..another game in the same arc.fine..idc anymore..I'm reading the manga and need something better DB I don't mean naruto..I mean DB..

Naruto can fly in UNS as can everyone else, their supers have been upgraded to the extent that EVERYTHING MUST explode..

wich is non-canonical

^^'' sorry...but I'm a a I don't allow BS in's why I stopped watching the Anime: Shippuuden raped everything..

it's why I don't buy the US games..voices rape everything

same reason I wont ever buy UN games: they rape everything they make it DBZ

in UN characters can fly (double X) they have DBZ attacks (supers) they can..hit chakra out of eachother?! o.o thanks

deathcape said:
I'll check the video later..don't have time

and yes..most of my friends love fighting games in general..and GNT is really easy to understand as play...but is also really deep..kind of like Smash Bros..

I don't assume you've ever played any of the good games..wich are 3 and up

(rev 1 or 2) or EX3..EX 1 and 2 seemed to suck bad

so..I don't see why you have to waltz into my Wii Naruto thread and fill it with useless UNS all the other sony fanboys..

I wanna discuss this..not UNS..already played my fair share of young Naruto characters..another game in the same arc.fine..idc anymore..I'm reading the manga and need something better

Its a shame u dont check the video since I see naruto doing the kage bunshin thing ans swinging sasuke to hit him to a rock, and I didnt see DBZ anywhere there, I saw naruto.

And I remember you being the first one to talk about UNS in the thread, I never talked how great UNS was, I was just telling you why I think what u said about it as wrong.

I played the 3 UN in ps2, Clash of ninja for the GC(sucks hard), Clash of ninja revolution(jus a bit better than the other one). Know if it is similar to the later 2 and just with more characters and free roaming(nothing new) I dont expect it to be an awesome game.


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UNS was brought up by another poster first

you honestly haven't played GNT at all..I will agree with you that 1 and 2 suck..rev is a bit better..but I hate localization..they took out some functions..if you wanna see what GNT is made of..check rev 2

as for the problem..(small probs here and there..but can't be avoided in a game:nobody in hell would fall for that LAME excuse of a super..ever..everyone would tech out of it..but then again..)

but that's about the only super that makes can't justify that idiotic double raikiri or the extreme use of kunais (Tenten)

it just doesn't work that way

I updated the second page with probably the most anticipated scan..and the video with some of the Senzai Ninriki Confirmed

*bump* I'm sory UNS and CoN2 came out and everyone lost interest

^_^ but shippuuden characters rock...anyone wanna speculate with me on the other character's Awakend Nin powers? (Senzai Ninriki)

once they reach 35% hp or lower..?

jeje, ok thanks for the bump

I'll see the videos later in my house.

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ish okay dude...hmm I'm expecting FoxDemon Naruto to have a 4tails Senzai Ninriki...

as for Sasuke? CS2...please?...guess not..maybe a spammable Chidori Nagashi..

hmm Chouji?..not sure..Kurenai? hmm...Kakashi? much left to unveil!