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Forums - Sales Discussion - White Knight Chronicles or Last Remant which will sell more?

this are 2 huge RPG coming out which will sell more worldwide

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One is on 2 platforms.... So I guess I have to say TLR, but I think WKS will be the better game.

4 ≈ One

HAHAHAHA is that a question lol. WKC is going to pwn TLR in sales big time kid lol.

TLR is coming out later for the ps3 and we all knowhow well late games on the ps3 do dont we.

TLR will win because is multiplatform

last remnant = multiplat. it'll probably win

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Dunno but Im pretty sure WKC will be the better game.

WKS will sell more than TLR on 360. TLR on ps3 wont sell much because its timed exclusive for 360.





WKC will pwn! Christmas Day will be huge for the PS3 in Japan.

TLR for all the main reason stated above....multi-plat. But WKC might be the better of the 2, we will have to wait and see.

I think WKC will outsell the Last Remnant. As the Last Remnant is first and foremost an Xbox 360 game and PS3 owners might shun it significantly.

That said, I do not think the difference will be huge.

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