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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bioshock PS3 VS X360 screen shots ARE FAKE!!!

celticlonewolf said:
heres the link to the hatena site that has the pics. The 360 pics do look a little better but nothing to brag about. PS3 owners need to get this game its great(tony the tiger voie right there)


 I am quite shocked to see that their are no fanboys on that site =p.

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playnext3 said:
hope it fake cuz i put this game in my list of myst buy october games

Even if the graphics did look a little worse on the PS3 (which I'm not convinced they will by the time the game goes gold), I woudn't let that stop me from playing it.  The story/suspense/environment is supposed to be really top notch.




Click Me

The link above gives a better look at some screen shots. (click them to enlarge)



PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

whatever said:
DTG said:
Dgc1808 said:
I really have to ask... are graphics really that important in game enjoyment??? How much fun i have with Disgaea DS... and graphics are never even a thought......


"Fun" is perhaps the most overrated term in gaming. Learn to accept that not everybody is looking for the things you are in their games

I'm assuming you meant that "fun" is the most "subjective" term in gaming.  If your not having fun, what the hell are you playing games for?



Intellectual and artistic stimulation?


Asmo said:
jerseyboy609 said:

According to Hatena PS3 version has better/darker colours but aliasing issues.

Yep, you might also want to state that the 360 version doesn't have any anti-aliasing.



Both the XBox360 and PS3 versions run at 1280x720 with no AA.  So any aliasing issues in one would be the same as the other.  This is confirmed by Quaz51.

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Dgc1808 said:
DirtyP2002 said:

I still don't get why someboy should buy the PS3-version.

  • PC (best graphics): 17.99€
  • Xbox360: 29.99€
  • PS3: 52.99€

this game will not sell well at all on the PS3. It will never ever get even close to the 2million mark, which the Xbox360 version is about to cross at the end of the year (more or less).


Because the don't have a pc to run the game, and PS3 is their main console. Or they only have a ps3 for a console.
I have 3 pc, a desktop that am using now that can't run it, a Laptop that can't run it and it's at my mothers shop anyway.
And a desktop in my garage still in the box that  can run it easily... but it's not mine...... it's my mothers... and I really want to
trade her. But yea.... PS3 only owners who don't play pc games will have a reason to get the ps3 version.

He does have a point though. I'm getting this on PS3, but admittedly, when ports like Bioshock and Eternal Sonata are coming out a year later with new game prices you just cant expect good sales. PS3 Bioshock will probably sell 500k lifetime, and that's a high estimate.


PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

sega4life said:



Click Me

The link above gives a better look at some screen shots. (click them to enlarge)




I'm no pixel counter but to me it seems Ps3 Bioshock is running on a lower resolution than the 360 one. We need to find Quantz, how many devs does 2K have for this port?

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

when will we see a real one?





Why is it that I'm not surprised..?

DTG said:
whatever said:
DTG said:
Dgc1808 said:
I really have to ask... are graphics really that important in game enjoyment??? How much fun i have with Disgaea DS... and graphics are never even a thought......


"Fun" is perhaps the most overrated term in gaming. Learn to accept that not everybody is looking for the things you are in their games

I'm assuming you meant that "fun" is the most "subjective" term in gaming.  If your not having fun, what the hell are you playing games for?



Intellectual and artistic stimulation?



 I say this with the utmost respect and as nicely as I can put it: You sir are an idiot if you think the retarded ramblings of a mediocre Japanese developer who would much rather make movies but sucks too much to do so is equel or higher in importance and influence then the philosophies and achievements of Ghandi, the Dalai Lama, Kierkegaard, Lenin, Marx etcetera.


I will keep this civil so I will just end by saying this: I am in general opposed to electroshock therapy for mental patients but in your case I might consider an exception. Maybe full frontal lobotomy too.