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DTG said:
whatever said:
DTG said:
Dgc1808 said:
I really have to ask... are graphics really that important in game enjoyment??? How much fun i have with Disgaea DS... and graphics are never even a thought......


"Fun" is perhaps the most overrated term in gaming. Learn to accept that not everybody is looking for the things you are in their games

I'm assuming you meant that "fun" is the most "subjective" term in gaming.  If your not having fun, what the hell are you playing games for?



Intellectual and artistic stimulation?



 I say this with the utmost respect and as nicely as I can put it: You sir are an idiot if you think the retarded ramblings of a mediocre Japanese developer who would much rather make movies but sucks too much to do so is equel or higher in importance and influence then the philosophies and achievements of Ghandi, the Dalai Lama, Kierkegaard, Lenin, Marx etcetera.


I will keep this civil so I will just end by saying this: I am in general opposed to electroshock therapy for mental patients but in your case I might consider an exception. Maybe full frontal lobotomy too.