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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why are so many American games so up in arms against piracy?

HappySqurriel said:
DTG said:
pirating a psp is a much more difficult task then pirating a ds. With that said why is piracy on the psp so much more extensive and detrimental than on the ds?


The PSP is considered easier because all you need to pirate games on the PSP can be inexpensively bought at any store that sells the system ... The DS is as easy to pirate but (from my understanding) you have to buy a micro-sd adapter card from a questionable website.



You mean amazon? They certainly used to sell the DS adaptor

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Piracy is Copyright Infringement, not theft.

If downloading a game deserve death, what about those involved in multi-million/billion dollars?

Galaki said:
Piracy is Copyright Infringement, not theft.

If downloading a game deserve death, what about those involved in multi-million/billion dollars?

Copyright infringement is the theft of intellectual property no?


Rath said:
Galaki said:
Piracy is Copyright Infringement, not theft.

If downloading a game deserve death, what about those involved in multi-million/billion dollars?

Copyright infringement is the theft of intellectual property no?


It's not the same as physical property, like, say, a car.

It's still wrong, but some people here make it sound like it worse than raping your fields and pillaging you women.

People, including CEOs, developers, shareholders, etc., should be paid for the work they do and the risk they take by investing. I don't like being robbed, I won't do it to somebody else.

That being said, the reason why Americans and Europeans are more willing to pay is because they are more able to.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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Piracy is not a real problem. The problem is the value of entertainment. Entertainment is priced so that failures can be small and success big, with the average being still very profitable.

It's like buying a lotery ticket where you recover your price 80% of the time and double it or better 50% of the time.... with the only problem being having the money and connections to buy the ticket...

Software piracy is different as the market is mire nich but still the same holds true

In any case the ones complaining about piracy are usualy people in the loop of revenues from entertainment and they see value they are not getting.... what they fail to realize is that they would not get it anyways as this value would either be in the hands of shareholders (yeah dividends not pay increases) or not exist, as pirates that get 20 games a month would probably only buy 1 were they buying them...



I don't pirate IP, but it seems sadly too accepted these days. Why a company goes after it with such zeal depends on the company. A small developer/publisher can't afford to just ignore piracy if they're losing 20% due to piracy and in the red 5% annually. A big company (MS being the prime example) wants to maximize profits to please shareholders, and being a multi-billion-dollar a quarter company makes it difficult to justify why $10-20m wasn't spent to reduce piracy and improve the bottom line.

Do I agree with RIAA's tactics? Heck no! But piracy is called piracy for a reason, and without the rule of law we all lose out.

The old "They make millions off the games" is BS. They often risk many more millions than they will make back. If everyone was as morally corrupt as you, nobody would ever make a game that had a budget worth a damn.

The "I only pirate big games like GTA, Halo, Mario, etc." is also BS. What are we supposed to say to that statement? "God bless your soul, you dare not steal from small developers."

The CEO-who-makes-millions excuse is simply ignorant. The CEO who makes millions won't feel the pinch until countless everyday Joes have already lost their jobs from the effects of piracy.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

HappySqurriel said:
DTG said:
pirating a psp is a much more difficult task then pirating a ds. With that said why is piracy on the psp so much more extensive and detrimental than on the ds?


The PSP is considered easier because all you need to pirate games on the PSP can be inexpensively bought at any store that sells the system ... The DS is as easy to pirate but (from my understanding) you have to buy a micro-sd adapter card from a questionable website.

I don't think that's really the case. Pirating the PSP involves downloading fimware consistently and creating a hybrid contraption out of a Pro Duo and a PSP battery. You can risk bricking your PSP if unsuccessful. Pirating the DS is a matte of purchasing a card that plugs into either of the two slots and dag and drop games into it's root file. I don't think PSP games are piated more oftenly than DS games. I think the DS just reaches into many more demographics that don't typically pirate, which keeps it's sales healthy. Notice how the games that reach farthest from technophiles in terms of interest also happen to be some of the best selling. The problem with the PSP is, it was marketed directly to the kinds of people that are knowledgable enough to pirate the games, while the DS marketed to those same people, plus countless other age groups.

To those that condemn video game piracy but don't have a problem pirating other industies, please quit being hypocrites. There is no right industry to pirate or wrong one. It should be either pirating itself is right or wrong.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
HappySqurriel said:
DTG said:
pirating a psp is a much more difficult task then pirating a ds. With that said why is piracy on the psp so much more extensive and detrimental than on the ds?


The PSP is considered easier because all you need to pirate games on the PSP can be inexpensively bought at any store that sells the system ... The DS is as easy to pirate but (from my understanding) you have to buy a micro-sd adapter card from a questionable website.

I don't think that's really the case. Pirating the PSP involves downloading fimware consistently and creating a hybrid contraption out of a Pro Duo and a PSP battery. You can risk bricking your PSP if unsuccessful. Pirating the DS is a matte of purchasing a card that plugs into either of the two slots and dag and drop games into it's root file. I don't think PSP games are piated more oftenly than DS games. I think the DS just reaches into many more demographics that don't typically pirate, which keeps it's sales healthy. Notice how the games that reach farthest from technophiles in terms of interest also happen to be some of the best selling. The problem with the PSP is, it was marketed directly to the kinds of people that are knowledgable enough to pirate the games, while the DS marketed to those same people, plus countless other age groups.

To those that condemn video game piracy but don't have a problem pirating other industies, please quit being hypocrites. There is no right industry to pirate or wrong one. It should be either pirating itself is right or wrong.


heh never thought about that with the PSP. I was smart enouph to hack mine myself. The only game i have pirated though I bought a copy. Reason why i did this is because it is monster hunter portable 2 G. I can't speak japanese, but if i have the iso of it I can put a english patch on it. Back to the main topic. PSP is a great system and after looking at it everyone i know who has one can read the scripts on it. They're smart enouph to make there own firmware and we do, but usually its just so we can do something stupid. For me when I made it i put some GPS on there and loaded some maps up for my airsoft games. Gotta love knowing where all the good sniping spots are :)



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