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Forums - Sales Discussion - Tretton: PS3 Sales Better Than Expected, Sales May Be Affected by Shortages

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Sony Corp's PlayStation 3 video game console and its portable cousin, the PSP, are selling faster than expected and are poised to meet full-year sales targets even if the current economic crisis hurts holiday demand, Sony said on Wednesday.

Driven by solid demand by video games, and the appeal of the Blu-ray disc movie system built into the devices, PlayStation 3 sales are some 30 percent better than Sony's plan so far in its fiscal year, according to Jack Tretton, Chief Executive of Sony Computer Entertainment of America.

As a result, he anticipates sales of the PS3 to reach a previously announced target of 10 million units by the end of the year, in March 2009.

"We are in good shape for that number worldwide," he said in an interview. "We are tracking at 100 percent up over last year ... about 30 percent ahead of where we should be. So sales could slow down and we will still hit our number."

Tretton said sales could be affected by products shortages, which he anticipated would be "not drastic."

"I'd say we are able to meet somewhere between 80-90 percent demand, based on how things are trending," he said.

Sales of the PSP, a $170 handheld device that plays games, movies and can surf the Internet, are 20-30 percent ahead of plan and are well-placed to meet the Japanese company's target of 15 million units sold.

Sony dominated the global video game industry for a decade starting in the mid-1990s, but sales of the PS3 have lagged behind Nintendo Co Ltd's Wii console. It now has to come to grips with a recent price cut for Microsoft Corp's Xbox 360, its other main rival.

Tretton's comments echo other industry players who suggest that the $22 billion video game industry may be relatively shielded from the economy's troubles. Specifically, he says that multimedia devices like the PS3 and PSP have multiple uses and therefore can be enjoyed by members of an entire family, not just game players.

"I think people are going to question every dollar that they spend, but they are going to look for value in return, he said. "The entertainment value ... with PlayStation 3 compares very favorably to other entertainment choices."

That optimism hasn't protected Sony's shares from declining sharply as economic concerns grow. Sony shares trading on the New York Stock Exchange have declined some 20 percent in the past month.

The stock's decline was hastened by Wall Street analysts downgrades in mid-September, due to concerns over the outlook for Sony's over major electronics operations, including its flat TV, mobile phone and digital camera businesses.

Thats all cool I guess.....they are definetely gonna meet the target.

Dunno about the "shortages claim" though

Is it just me or did Jack ACTUALLY not put any BS into his statement for once!!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Well Tretton actually did put BS in his statement about the shortages. Maybe sales are low and they are already getting ready for excuses.

End of '08 predictions (made by theprof00): PS3: 20m, 360: 23.5m, wii: 42m

Now Playin':  PS3|Resistance 2, LBP, Uncharted and Fifa 09, PSP| Ratchet and Clank: Size matters, 360| Gears of war 2 and Fallout 3.

no bs??? ROFL SPIN more cry more

ps3 had shortages with launch of the new sku... not now

depends....we have still had some "anonymous" claims about shortages. Maybe the reality is bigger....probably not much though.

It is an improvement from his usually embarassing statements

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Means what some of us has been saying, no price drop this year, Sony's game division really needs to get back in the black. even if it'll cost them marketshare.

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Since they low-balled PS3s prediction, there's no way they won't meet the goal.

It's fake good press. lulz.


I remember last year.....n the Big Prediction flaming SONY got...they obviously wanted to avoid that this time round

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Translation -> no ps3 price cut in 2008,we know you want a ps3 this Xmass so pay the full price,don`t expect a 50$ price cut. We`re not MS,we are focusing on profitability,like we said so. We have Resistance 2 and LBP and Motorstorm and...well,we have blue ray,we are Playstation,you want us this Xmass.

No thanks buddy,I`ll play Fable 2 and Gears 2 this Xmass and smile all the way. Enjoy your 30% "better than expectations" marketshare,you earned it.

Two 360 fans are 1st to the punch. Can't say im surprised >_> OT:They do fine w/o a price cut, as long as M$ Don't extend the lead.

I think about the "no price cut" people are saying.

Don't expect him to dirctly say there will be a price then sales would nosedive.

they will say there is a price cut only when they plan to drop the price like on the same day.

remember last year when SONY said there would be NO PRCIE CUT as Profit > all

then 2 days later they dropped the price

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey