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Actually, I'd expect the next Nintendo console would come out in 2012 - that fits Nintendo's description of what they've said they'd like to do.

Given that their contracts end in 2011, that gives us two solutions that fit that timeframe.

One, they could develop the next system by the end of 2011, but not release it until 2012. It would make it more expensive to develop if they want it to be of acceptable standards by fall 2012, but it would allow them to release it when they want to and still be powerful.

Two, they could renew their contract. Wow, that's amazing, isn't it? Who'd have thought of THAT possibility? :o


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shams said:
Seems about right. Wii launched Xmas '06 - meaning they would have got almost 6 Xmas's out of the "old" Wii hardware.

All they need to do with the Wii II:
- lots of storage (crystal system, potentially terrabytes of data)
- backwards compat with current controllers (definitely), also potentially reduces the cost of the device
- possible NO disc drive, digital dist only
- HD visuals, roughly on spec with the 360 (to make it easy for companies to port 360 games to the Wii HD)
- full virtualisation (runs GC, N64, Wii, ... games)

They wouldn't necessarily dump the Wii - just phase it out over 2-3 years. Price cuts, entry device, etc.

One interesting thing they *could* do with the Wii HD, is release a "raw" bundle - no controller (unlikely), if it fully supports Wii controllers. This way a $249 / $199 price point is more than possible.

6 year life cycle + support after wii2 release - sounds reasonable to me.

"raw" bundle an interesting idea.  it would be kind of nice to not have to rebuy controllers but i was kind of hoping we'll see a wiimote with motion plus put together.  well...i guess we really don't have to wait for the wii2 to get that.  okay fine, you win - wii2 without controllers for a cheaper price point is an excellent idea.

edit: and it better have BC with all those VC games i bought or i'm going to be pissed.

Baseless rumor. Of course Nintendo is working on a successor system; so are Sony and Microsoft. That's just how the industry works: as soon as you finish one system, you start work on the next. It's in no way indicative of when the successor will be launched; the point is to have it when it's needed, not necessarily to release it as soon as possible.

The Wii does not need a successor so soon, and will not get one. It is perfect as-is for this point in time, and that will not change in the next three years.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

Although this may end up being true (after all, a broken watch is correct twice a day) they really do not support this rumor well. Based on the standard 5 year cycle, Nintendo should be replacing the Nintendo DS in 2009 and the Wii in 2011 and, regardless of whether these systems are going to be released on the standard schedule or a year (or two) after, they are currently in a position where they have to increase their R&D budget today to release on schedule.

My personal expectation is that for TGS 2009, at (basically) the five year aniversary of the Nintendo DS, Nintendo will announce the successor to the Nintendo DS with very limited details; those details will later be fleshed out at E3 2010 and TGS 2010 and the system will be released in October 2010; quite possibly October 10th 2010 since it falls on a Sunday.

I'm a little less sure about the timing of the Wii, in part because the release of its successor is obviously further in the future. I do believe that there really isn't that big of a push to replace the Wii because of graphics improvements because the people who (probably) care the most about those improvements, and are willing to pay more than $200 to receive that benefit, have probably already bought a system this generation; on top of that, for the most part the improved performance of the HD systems has not really materialized into a major change in how games are played.

With that said, I think the main thing Nintendo is waiting for (at the moment) is for technology to improve enough that they can inexpensively produce a system that contains a desireable improvement in gameplay. The area for them (and us) where this improvement is probably easiest to track is in processing power, but I'm not too sure that the improvment in processing power is what will determine when their next system is released.

vlad321 said:

Garnett Lee speculating


The speculation would be closer to truth had the Wii been the last place.

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Very unlikely.

If Nintendo release the new console, would be because one of the other companies did that.
Not mention that is ridiculous launch a new console just for better graphics. (Considering bussiness point of view).
All 3 companies should milk the most of thir consoles.

Sure be interesting too se how it turns out.


If for some reason it does come out in 2011 I just hope they have enough Wii to gives to the stores and general public. I feel sorry for people who still can not find one to this day!

Wii HD in 2011 makes sense... but it damn well better be backwards compatible with the GC, or I won't touch it -- even by then I will still have more GC games than Wii games, I am certain.

At any rate, there's no way the Wii will ever touch the PS2, numbers-wise if this happens.  If the Wii HD is signifigantly more expensive than the Wii, no one will buy it -- thus they almost have to kill the Wii then to have it succeed, IMO.  In a sense, they'd be making the same mistake one of their competitors did, this gen... except only letting their success run for 5 years instead of 7.

too soon, next gen has only started for most people, out of the 120 mill+ market around 55 mill have a next gen console and at the speed of the wii that market could be around 150 mill now, also the world economy is going bad, most people wont be able to make that investment so soon, specially if they bought a wii at the prices people are been able to get it (twice the price).

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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