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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why microsoft is such a great supposed to Sony

NYANKS said:
Do your justificatons for MS being great and Sony sucking make sense?
I mean, yes MS released the 360 a year earlier than the PS3, but that resulted in crappy R&D and the RROD. That sounds like Sony was more responsible and MS caring more about beating Sony than the consumer. And it's rather irrelevant that they fix it for everyone. A lesser company might be hurt by putting a billion dollars to the problem, but MS is MS. Also no one can know about the dashboard yet. For all we know, people might like it less than the current one.

I never said sony sucks, but I just dont think they are as good as MS...also, but from my impressions of the dashboard are really good...and the last statement that is highlighted, can be applied to almost any new product coming in the future. Such as Little Big Planet

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Nice observations, people do hate waiting. Just like waiting in traffic, waiting in line, waiting for customer service in Best Buy or Circuit City. Thanks man, you just made me angry.


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jerseyboy609 said:
NYANKS said:
Do your justificatons for MS being great and Sony sucking make sense?
I mean, yes MS released the 360 a year earlier than the PS3, but that resulted in crappy R&D and the RROD. That sounds like Sony was more responsible and MS caring more about beating Sony than the consumer. And it's rather irrelevant that they fix it for everyone. A lesser company might be hurt by putting a billion dollars to the problem, but MS is MS. Also no one can know about the dashboard yet. For all we know, people might like it less than the current one.

I never said sony sucks, but I just dont think they are as good as MS...also, but from my impressions of the dashboard are really good...and the last statement that is highlighted, can be applied to almost any new product coming in the future. Such as Little Big Planet


 How about answering the part you didn't highlight? There's no excuse for that.  You say in the tread title that MS is great while Sony is pretty much not, but why?  Sony might be a little cocky, but when MS ever wins a gen or two, the same thing will happen. Look at Ninty.  Seems to happen.  Sony is still doing more than you make it seem. 

whatever said:
You really have no idea how M$ as a company, operates in general, do you.


You must not know how companies operate in general, do you? Let me school you on the way a multi-billion dollar company works. First, let me start out by saying that I am a junior in college, a business major with a concentration in finance. When a company has a lead on another company, then they will do whatever it takes to maintain the lead because in the long-run, new products will be released, brand can be a deciding factor in which a consumer makes a purchase. In the last generation, Sony was the console of choice. Now, Microsoft is trying to convince more consumers to buy there goods and services of the same market. By the end of the year, they will have passed there old product WW. Even though microsoft may not come in second place, but they will have taken a significant chunk out of Sony's marketshare. If similar trends continue in upcoming generations, then that could spell trouble for Sony. 20 years from now, microsoft could me the market hog of the gaming industry. They are constantly spending money for resources and content, which Sony is not focusing on. Bottom line, you have to spend money to make the future.

NYANKS said:
jerseyboy609 said:
NYANKS said:
Do your justificatons for MS being great and Sony sucking make sense?
I mean, yes MS released the 360 a year earlier than the PS3, but that resulted in crappy R&D and the RROD. That sounds like Sony was more responsible and MS caring more about beating Sony than the consumer. And it's rather irrelevant that they fix it for everyone. A lesser company might be hurt by putting a billion dollars to the problem, but MS is MS. Also no one can know about the dashboard yet. For all we know, people might like it less than the current one.

I never said sony sucks, but I just dont think they are as good as MS...also, but from my impressions of the dashboard are really good...and the last statement that is highlighted, can be applied to almost any new product coming in the future. Such as Little Big Planet


How about answering the part you didn't highlight? There's no excuse for that. You say in the tread title that MS is great while Sony is pretty much not, but why? Sony might be a little cocky, but when MS ever wins a gen or two, the same thing will happen. Look at Ninty. Seems to happen. Sony is still doing more than you make it seem.


read my post above

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jerseyboy609 said:

The Xbox 360 has always had a thing for having the competitive edge over the competition. First, they launched a system a year before the rest of the competition. This gave the system its huge American fanbase (this is why I have a Xbox 360 ). Also, they have soo many more exclusive games that are worth buying now, as opposed to ones that are being mentioned 3 years from now.

Second, Microsoft has been letting the competition catch up, but then they blow away others (i.e. XBL and Price Cut). The reason I am saying this, is because we all know that PSN is maturing at a fast pace, and is pretty much on par with XBL. Now, since XBL is having the update, I believe that PSN will not be in the same league as XBL. Sure Home will be great, but once again, Microsoft has beat them to the punch. The new interface IMO is blows the XMB out of the water because your avatar is already present, as opposed to launching it from home. The price cut seems to be working well, if the effects remain consistent. There have been rumors of a $50 price cut of the PS3 in december, but MS already beat them to the punch with the American crowd. With the economy the way it is now over here, $350 as opposed to $199 is expensive these days. Also, the price of XBL has been slashed as well, which makes me consider buying another subscription.

Lastly, they have been buying out a lot of timed exclusivity with a great deal of games. They have RPGs, Rock Band 2 out now, and plenty of other games coming out with timed exclusivity. They understand that many people do not want to wait a full year for the same game, thats a port. Even though some people sont mind waiting for those games, but most dont (like me). Even if Gears of War came on PS3 in 2099, I will have already had my fun on 360. Dont get me wrong, I really like the PS3 because its my system of choice, but they really need to step it up when it comes to competition. I am really loving the lineup that is coming out this fall, because I believe that it is better than 360s', but I think they need to get there $hit together, and start dishing out money to attract more consumers

fail fail fail.....i don't even know where to start

i do beleive you own a 360 alone (not a PS3)


m$ such a great company ??? (360) disk trays jamming, scratching disks, have a thing for faulty hardware huh?

Meh...nintendo is schooling them both so...

psrock said:
I agree, MS is known for being competitive. They are responsible for destroying a lot of companies because of their monopoly in the OS business and OFFICE. They represent America as a whole : GREEDY.

While Sony is so cocky for no reason. They are still in denial of the PS2 days, they need to wake up and realize that MS will do anything to stay ahead. They act like they in front instead of fighting to come back. There is no excuse for the failure of the PS3 in JAPAN, Sony messed up badly in that Country and MS took full advantage.


 it's still number 1 in japan i don't see how they messed up there

@ soriku: how that was an epic post???which part??

321tttrini4everz said:
jerseyboy609 said:

The Xbox 360 has always had a thing for having the competitive edge over the competition. First, they launched a system a year before the rest of the competition. This gave the system its huge American fanbase (this is why I have a Xbox 360 ). Also, they have soo many more exclusive games that are worth buying now, as opposed to ones that are being mentioned 3 years from now.

Second, Microsoft has been letting the competition catch up, but then they blow away others (i.e. XBL and Price Cut). The reason I am saying this, is because we all know that PSN is maturing at a fast pace, and is pretty much on par with XBL. Now, since XBL is having the update, I believe that PSN will not be in the same league as XBL. Sure Home will be great, but once again, Microsoft has beat them to the punch. The new interface IMO is blows the XMB out of the water because your avatar is already present, as opposed to launching it from home. The price cut seems to be working well, if the effects remain consistent. There have been rumors of a $50 price cut of the PS3 in december, but MS already beat them to the punch with the American crowd. With the economy the way it is now over here, $350 as opposed to $199 is expensive these days. Also, the price of XBL has been slashed as well, which makes me consider buying another subscription.

Lastly, they have been buying out a lot of timed exclusivity with a great deal of games. They have RPGs, Rock Band 2 out now, and plenty of other games coming out with timed exclusivity. They understand that many people do not want to wait a full year for the same game, thats a port. Even though some people sont mind waiting for those games, but most dont (like me). Even if Gears of War came on PS3 in 2099, I will have already had my fun on 360. Dont get me wrong, I really like the PS3 because its my system of choice, but they really need to step it up when it comes to competition. I am really loving the lineup that is coming out this fall, because I believe that it is better than 360s', but I think they need to get there $hit together, and start dishing out money to attract more consumers

fail fail fail.....i don't even know where to start

i do beleive you own a 360 alone (not a PS3)


m$ such a great company ??? (360) disk trays jamming, scratching disks, have a thing for faulty hardware huh?


lol, its actually the other way around, my 360 died on me and I am waiting for another. Havent you read my review of ps home beta? maybe that will convince you. Also, I am in the Warhawk bi-weekly league, and I have played online with some