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Forums - Gaming Discussion - rumor ps4 might use ps3 cell chip

Darc Requiem said:
SickleSigh said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
I hope this one kills the stupd 10-year-plan meme. So basically Sony is planning to rush the market with a ps4 that's basically a bumped up-ps3, AKA 100% BC so they can shut off quick the ps3 and pull off a fast and smooth transition ala GC-Wii.


Just like the Ps2 killed the Ps1 or the Ps3 killed the Ps2? Wait, doesn't Sony always support their older systems after their new one launchs? So while Ps3 is still selling and having games released for it Ms will dump their 360 like they did with xbox and force people to upgrade and spend another 400$.


The PS1 and PS2 dominated the market. They sold over 100 million consoles each and netted Sony a substantial profit. The PS3 has been a money pit and currently resides in third place. When will Sony fans realize that a consoles market share determines its level of support after its successor launches. A dominant first place console gets strong support after its replacement is launched. Second and third place consoles essentially fade away a year after they are replaced.

@Bitmap Frogs

You are quick. Posting at work always seems to put me at a disadvantage.


Looking at your post count, I couldn't have guessed =D

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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So, that's how they are going to get into the 10yr plan for the ps3. Repackage it as a PS4!

haha jk.

Makes sense, however, based on Wii success I bet the jump from ps3 to ps4 in terms of power will be 1/2 that of PS2 to PS3.

I already am fairly confident Sony and MS will do the same thing, smaller % of raw power jump that this gen to keep cost sub $350 at launch and maybe some form of motion controller.

What I am unsure of is how big of a jump Nintendo will do and how they will change the wiimote/nunchuk configuration. Nintendo has had a new controller every gen.

Dallinor said:
Yoshi! said:
Dallinor said:



So the losses made from the PS3 are going to drive Sony out of the industry?

It's just not going to happen. The losses aren't extreme enough. Sony is a massive multimedia giant who can afford to take a hit like that and keep rolling. They even turned a profit last quarter, so things aren't all gloom and doom.

As much as you might not like it, Sony are here to stay.

I think it's fair to say we have now established:

1. 35 million is a large sum of gamers, and labelling them "a few hardcorez" is a massive understatement.

2. Sony "owned" the last two generations.

3. Saying a X console has the better games than Y console is a subjective opinion.

4. Sony is not going to leave the gaming industry anytime soon.


All in all, quite a productive few posts.

Pfffft, hahahahahaha.

Does anyone feel the urge of just rushing into this thread and correcting/dissing people who say stupid shit?

But it's sooo much, so I won't bother.


superchunk said:
So, that's how they are going to get into the 10yr plan for the ps3. Repackage it as a PS4!

haha jk.

Makes sense, however, based on Wii success I bet the jump from ps3 to ps4 in terms of power will be 1/2 that of PS2 to PS3.

I already am fairly confident Sony and MS will do the same thing, smaller % of raw power jump that this gen to keep cost sub $350 at launch and maybe some form of motion controller.

What I am unsure of is how big of a jump Nintendo will do and how they will change the wiimote/nunchuk configuration. Nintendo has had a new controller every gen.


Probably they will reach the 360 levels (Maybe a little bit more), keeping IBM, Ati and maybe BC with the Wii/GC games, the new control, well most likely will have similar features to the Wiimote+Motion plus, for me thats the safe path, but how knows...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
Groucho said:
goddog said:
artical is claiming it will be the same chip, not same family but same chip, (die shrunk being the only change as that is already happening in current units)

its not just basesed on the cell, its the same cell as in the ps3 is what they are saying, I had thought they would advance the cell a bit. also the mention of going back to standard ram ddr series, is interesting, it seems they want to keep cost down.

I hate to tell you this, bro, but that would make it a... *drumroll* PS3, albeit a cheaper version to make.  We see those every 6 months already, about.  Does the first 80GB model qualify as the "PS4" and then the new 40/80GB are the "PS5"?  Is the "PS6" around the corner?  No.

I think you're misreading the article.  It mentions more cores, and increased performance (albeit minor, relative to gains of the PS3 over the PS2, for example) -- that's not the same Cell, now is it?  Even the title says "based on".



@groucho, the fundamental change to the arch would be a new product replacing the ram would create a need for emulation, or a conveter of some kind, though not near as hard as emulating prossessing chips. on top  of that the artical sugest new graphics card which would also imply a new chip, combined with what stickball said it would seem sony has decided to switch directions


come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

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mrstickball said:
Unsure if anyone heard the latest news:

Goto Hiroshige has received PSX4 spec info from Japanese developer sources who received preliminary spec from SCEI for developer feedback(whom Goto refuses to name due to NDA).

- SCEI has sent rough PSX4 spec to 3rd party developers for feed back. Based on the description, PSX4 is a Wii-tized PSX3, no more than 2X as powerful.
- SCEI wants to beat Xbox 3 to launch. 2011 is the deadline, or sooner.
- SCEI pulled all its engineers from IBM Texas, and there is no new CELL architecture being developed. PSX4 will use same CELL architecture with improvements.
- SCEI will dump XDR and use standard JEDEC memory type(GDDR3/DDR3) for main memory.


ah that is most of what the artical i posted says, just in a better easier to read format, i was unsure about the launch dare given the muddyness of the articaqls translation

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

FJ-Warez said:
superchunk said:
So, that's how they are going to get into the 10yr plan for the ps3. Repackage it as a PS4!

haha jk.

Makes sense, however, based on Wii success I bet the jump from ps3 to ps4 in terms of power will be 1/2 that of PS2 to PS3.

I already am fairly confident Sony and MS will do the same thing, smaller % of raw power jump that this gen to keep cost sub $350 at launch and maybe some form of motion controller.

What I am unsure of is how big of a jump Nintendo will do and how they will change the wiimote/nunchuk configuration. Nintendo has had a new controller every gen.


Probably they will reach the 360 levels (Maybe a little bit more), keeping IBM, Ati and maybe BC with the Wii/GC games, the new control, well most likely will have similar features to the Wiimote+Motion plus, for me thats the safe path, but how knows...


it will be interesting, the powerpc chip that ms uses is easier to scale in terms of power, but with that comes heat, the major problem with that series of powerpc, i could see it going uniform quad core, or even different changes like that, since none of that would effect coding, but we just havent seen any new info from ibm on this series of chip, something the publish quite regularly along with the cell updates, and the joint project with motorola (now freescale) that produced the GC/wii chip

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

side note, it is very weird readign the thread through now that yoshi! has been deleted from our colective history, with only quotes to remember him by (and wow yoshi! took this thread for a weird direction for a bit)

also thank you for the people who came through and actually commented on the topic, interesting read

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

goddog said:

it will be interesting, the powerpc chip that ms uses is easier to scale in terms of power, but with that comes heat, the major problem with that series of powerpc, i could see it going uniform quad core, or even different changes like that, since none of that would effect coding, but we just havent seen any new info from ibm on this series of chip, something the publish quite regularly along with the cell updates, and the joint project with motorola (now freescale) that produced the GC/wii chip

They can both easily jump to the high performance POWER line of processors, it includes the entire old PowerPC instruction set, but they are going to cost a lot.  Power7 is an 8-core and is supposed to be out by 2010. 


Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad

smallflyingtaco said:
goddog said:

it will be interesting, the powerpc chip that ms uses is easier to scale in terms of power, but with that comes heat, the major problem with that series of powerpc, i could see it going uniform quad core, or even different changes like that, since none of that would effect coding, but we just havent seen any new info from ibm on this series of chip, something the publish quite regularly along with the cell updates, and the joint project with motorola (now freescale) that produced the GC/wii chip

They can both easily jump to the high performance POWER line of processors, it includes the entire old PowerPC instruction set, but they are going to cost a lot.  Power7 is an 8-core and is supposed to be out by 2010. 



true, but power7 would not work with the current power4 dirvitive that is in the 360, or the  cell power arch, the instruction sets are not the same, and the power 8 was additional features that are useless to both of them, the 360 uses  gutted power4, the wii uses a power2 or 3  derivative.  changing arch would hurt either console as seen with the wii keeping the same arch helps in cost, and developer ease.... cell is the more interesting of the two as the 360s chip is already very traditional power pc just stripped down for gaming. the cell if they were to rework it which it looks like they will not, could be made more programer friendly however that would be at the cost of programing assets made for the current cell. if they jus advance it, there will be some change to the arch and dev assets but they may still be useful. though it may just be an issue of cost, and bringing the next ocnsole in where it can turn a proffit at a cost of say 399 at launch or a small loss at 299

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog