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Forums - Sony Discussion - If Sony would make game similar to Super Smash Bros ,who would you pick?

Kazuya mishima from tekken aswell.. and in his devil form ! XD epic win..

Either him or Kratos.

Check out my game about moles ^

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pretty much what everyone has said

Solid Snake
Naked Snake
Gabe Logan
Nathan Hale
Nathan Drake
That annoying woman from Heavenly Sword who nobody likes
Crash (just shove him in)
OTACON! (lol just kidding. Or am I?)
Raiden (MGS)
Niko Bellic!
Jin Kazama

(Incomplete List)

Who said Sony doesn't have enough characters?

And they don't have to be from PS games- look at Brawl.

Link (we had him for a while didn't we?)
Darth Vader!

List of Sony Franchises

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:

pretty much what everyone has said

Solid Snake
Naked Snake
Gabe Logan
Nathan Hale
Nathan Drake
That annoying woman from Heavenly Sword who nobody likes
Crash (just shove him in)
OTACON! (lol just kidding. Or am I?)
Raiden (MGS)
Niko Bellic!
Jin Kazama

(Incomplete List)

Who said Sony doesn't have enough characters?

And they don't have to be from PS games- look at Brawl.

Link (we had him for a while didn't we?)

Darth Vader!

List of Sony Franchises

You can add Sackboy to your list. =]

I doubt Nintendo would allow Mario or Link to be in a game for the PS. Link is a first party Nintendo character, he's never been on the PS.


Cloud Strife / Tifa Lockheart

that would be wicked hopefully they do make a game like this

Around the Network

Gabe Logan
Solid Snake
Nathan Hale
Nathan Drake
Sly Cooper
A bunch of Tekken characters
A collosus from SotC
The skeleton guy from MediEvil
A Helghast from Killzone


The skeleton guy from MediEvil

This is pretty interesting one...I remember playing it long time ago at ps1...



Take my love, take my land..

This isn't a happy place is it?

I have hot feet but I'm gonna do some skating on the ice.

The OP's question is basically; "Would Super Smash Bro's Brawl sell on the PS3 with Sony characters." That goes back to the old question of "Would Nintendo products sell if they went the way of Sega (software only)." But staying on track, my point of view on a game like that and it's effects: Well firstly the third parties have made it clear (The big ones) that for the majority they would of loved if their characters had appeared in Brawl but it was mostly a Nintendo decision not to ask. So I see a Sony version of the game as ethically annoying as it would be to me being very succesful as far as acquiring a recognizable line-up. 3rd party support or not.

As far as the meta-game goes, and it's effect on business... the game would sell but knowing Sony they would add elements that appeal to their core demographic making the game "better" than Smash Bro's Brawl, it's what they have always done with their stolen ideas. ^_^

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

If we're including Crash... we could include Lara Croft too!

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Spyro the Dragon?

Check out my band, (the) Fracture Suit!!




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