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Forums - Gaming Discussion - DD good or bad for gamers?

It's obvious that DD is good for developers and publishers. There won't be any pirated games anymore with DD. The pre-owned market will also not exist  anymore.

What does DD mean for gamers? Downloading your game takes time. After that you need to install your game. The instant play concept is (already) gone. How big does your HDD has to be in order to store all your games? Will consoles ship with enough HDD space? Unlimited space on a server just like an e-mail account could be the answer.

Are we going to pay more for our games? Games cut into smaller episodic pieces will eventually cost more than a retail game. However there's an option to buy more episodic content. I'd rather play a free demo or beta, than buying one episode of a game. Old games are overpriced compared to pre-owned games. For example you are paying $5 for Half Life  pre-owned and $10 for the same game on steam. I have to mention that there are pretty "good" deals on DD. The problem is your paying more and your getting more games. That's fair however you didn't intent to buy them all in the first place. Conclusion single games are expensive and multiple games are cheap on DD. You also have to wait very long before these deals show up.

Do we keep what we buy forever? Could you move all your PSN games to your PSN 2.0 account on your PS4?

What's your point of view?

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Digital Distribution is just fine as long as it coexists with physical media.

ohhhh digital distribution, thanks for the clarification Seihyouken.

Why would DD eliminate pirated games? Pirates will figure out was to burn the roms onto discs and/or trade them electronically. It'll happen, trust me.

I could see it eliminating a lot of what I buy on ebay and 2nd hand market in general though. That's true.

Personally, ignoring the obvious limitations of physical storage, I would prefer DD as I can't standing having to store physical media anymore and games loaded into memory play quicker.

finally, we better get the option of keep DD games forever or at least getting some partial credit back since normally we could have given or sold the used media to others.

I guess we'll find out the answer to that last question in 2011/12 when the next gen starts and they show us how we deal with all the current DD games on our consoles.

Double Damage ??? Double Dragon ???

And how does Digital Distribution stop piracy ??? Anyway as a customer I am all for DD but its still shame not to have a nice cover and booklet... also really bad for the disribution industry...




Well it won't eliminate piracy that's true. However downloading from a server won't be possible. Internet connection will verify your console whenever it's hacked or not. Of course it will be a cat and mouse game hack vs patch/update. Downloading from a server is free. Pirates will earn $0. Yes, they can get free games. Burning and selling discs isn't a possibility. USB and SD cards should be excluded like Blu-ray/DVD player. Downloading and sending to PC could still be an option. I believe that the pirate market will shrink, because there is more effort needed.

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If it means more episodic games and more DLC that should have been included in the actual game then I wish it never comes. Besides those gripes, I could live with it, though I would rather buy physical media anytime.

"Do we keep what we buy forever? Could you move all your PSN games to your PSN 2.0 account on your PS4?"

We better keep what we buy forever! If the "Wii 2" doesn't let me transfer my games, i would be really pissed. My guess is that when transferring, the games would totally disappear from the previous system and appear on the new one.

DD or digital distribution...


The protection used (Solidshield) is extremely easy to crack, it can be cracked in a coffee break for experienced crackers.

Stuff like Securom\Safedisk takes a couple of days with most games these days.

So, often there are games that go uncracked until a digital distribution release is made. Then the cracking groups crack the exe in that and just release that as the crack for the optical version.

Episodic content stinks!

(American McGee).......need I say more!

I agree with El Duderino I like having cases and manuals for all my games and having somehting physical to display on my shelf for friends/family to see. I would like DD if they mailed you something, perhaps with a backup in it.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

Double Dash was good for gamers, but not as good as MKWii.

Regarding your actual point.... I like to buy games second hand, so I can't say I am keen on DD unless they implement a price reduction over time scheme.