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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resistance 2 is the best looking console shooter this year.

Far Cry2 looks like shit next to any of the current shooters, so can you people stop talking about that game like its some sort of graphics beast.

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SpookyXJ said:
Staude said:
colonelstubbs said:
The setting hasnt been overdone. We are going into America for this game, how many games take place in america.....................................?



how many games take place in america in the 50s ?


 Turning Point Fall of Liberty  


so one :p now add the aliens of unknown origin overtaking the population and converting them to their species. lol

Check out my game about moles ^

usyk said:


 Underwater looks really good.


usyk said:


Nice video. Damn man I wanna see somebody die to those chameleons. He was close to dying around :43 seconds in but he killed it, and with the a few shots from the bullseye I might add. It makes me wonder how weak are they.

Griffin said:
Far Cry2 looks like shit next to any of the current shooters, so can you people stop talking about that game like its some sort of graphics beast.

This is a joke right???

Fanboyism is one thing but when it is as blantant as FC2>>>>>>>>>>>>(KZ2,Gears2 and R2) it ends up being seriously stupid times on VGchartz.

Not only does FC2 look better in stills, but when you watch the very latest footage from FDJV from both R2 and FC2 it becomes so apparant how much better the FC2 engine is. Not only is it photorealistic Africa, but it has real fire physics and particle effects. They have been posted go and watch. The engine as a whole takes incredible amounts of CPU raw power.


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SnakeEyez said:
usyk said:


Nice video. Damn man I wanna see somebody die to those chameleons. He was close to dying around :43 seconds in but he killed it, and with the a few shots from the bullseye I might add. It makes me wonder how weak are they.


The videos also show the players being able to take a ton of hits, so perhaps it's just easy for people to demo.

Then again, would you really want these things to be able to take a ton of hits? Unless you can cause them to break off their attack, being charged could mean certain death.

selnor said:
Griffin said:
Far Cry2 looks like shit next to any of the current shooters, so can you people stop talking about that game like its some sort of graphics beast.

This is a joke right???

Fanboyism is one thing but when it is as blantant as FC2>>>>>>>>>>>>(KZ2,Gears2 and R2) it ends up being seriously stupid times on VGchartz.

Not only does FC2 look better in stills, but when you watch the very latest footage from FDJV from both R2 and FC2 it becomes so apparant how much better the FC2 engine is. Not only is it photorealistic Africa, but it has real fire physics and particle effects. They have been posted go and watch. The engine as a whole takes incredible amounts of CPU raw power.



People, Selnor is right FC2 does indeed look better than R2 and Gears 2. Im not putting KZ2 in there (yet) cuz the game still has a lot of time that can make the game look better but if it were to ship as is, then yes FC2 does  have a slight graphical edge to KZ2. With that said, Selnor, it's not all about the graphics. Yes I know, we're in a thread about how "OMGZ R2 GRAFIX!!! TEH BOMBZORS!!" and all, but for some odd reason, watching the FC2 clips (and I've seen ALOT), I'm just not anticipating it's release. IDK, maybe it's the open world aspect to the game but it doesn't look anything special to me.

Since u know and seen so much about FC2, are there any videos that u would recommend that can help me change my mind? Cuz I'd seriously would like to show off my HDTV with this game.

IllegalPaladin said:
SnakeEyez said:
usyk said:


Nice video. Damn man I wanna see somebody die to those chameleons. He was close to dying around :43 seconds in but he killed it, and with the a few shots from the bullseye I might add. It makes me wonder how weak are they.


The videos also show the players being able to take a ton of hits, so perhaps it's just easy for people to demo.

Then again, would you really want these things to be able to take a ton of hits? Unless you can cause them to break off their attack, being charged could mean certain death.

hmm, I never thought about that. Maybe it's not the little amount of hits that the chameleon took, maybe it's the fact that it's the bullseye. From wat I've played in R:FOM, the bullseye was...kinda weak. I remember when I had only the carbine and the bullseye, I would ALWAYS use the carbine. A shotgun shell to the chameleons seems right, but that chameleon was VERY close to the player and died real quick to the bullseye (granted the bullseye shoots REAL fast).

hmm, now that I think about it, y doesn't Resistance 2 have a subtitle? It would've been cool if they kept that for every game....Resistance 2 : Man's last hours or something like that.


SnakeEyez said:
selnor said:
Griffin said:
Far Cry2 looks like shit next to any of the current shooters, so can you people stop talking about that game like its some sort of graphics beast.

This is a joke right???

Fanboyism is one thing but when it is as blantant as FC2>>>>>>>>>>>>(KZ2,Gears2 and R2) it ends up being seriously stupid times on VGchartz.

Not only does FC2 look better in stills, but when you watch the very latest footage from FDJV from both R2 and FC2 it becomes so apparant how much better the FC2 engine is. Not only is it photorealistic Africa, but it has real fire physics and particle effects. They have been posted go and watch. The engine as a whole takes incredible amounts of CPU raw power.



People, Selnor is right FC2 does indeed look better than R2 and Gears 2. Im not putting KZ2 in there (yet) cuz the game still has a lot of time that can make the game look better but if it were to ship as is, then yes FC2 does  have a slight graphical edge to KZ2. With that said, Selnor, it's not all about the graphics. Yes I know, we're in a thread about how "OMGZ R2 GRAFIX!!! TEH BOMBZORS!!" and all, but for some odd reason, watching the FC2 clips (and I've seen ALOT), I'm just not anticipating it's release. IDK, maybe it's the open world aspect to the game but it doesn't look anything special to me.

Since u know and seen so much about FC2, are there any videos that u would recommend that can help me change my mind? Cuz I'd seriously would like to show off my HDTV with this game.


 It's wierd because it's only been the last 2 months that Ive been looking closely at FC2. If you go over to my thread in the Gaming section about new FC2 and R2 vids, they are pretty awesome.


If you dont like openworlds then I dont think honestly that it'll change you. If you like linear straight pathed games, this wont be your thing. However it's not just the graphics that make this game stand out. The fire actually behaves in such a way that for the first time I believe it adds strategy. Full night and day cycles affect the play as does the incredible physics engine. This game seems to be the full package. I love Halo 3, but I'm betting FC2 is the best FPS this gen for a while on consoles. Also the map editor is insane.


Bingoo said:
talkingparrot said:

We've seen the footage of the game in action, analyzed the screenshots, and debated on its validity in the shooter space. Now the question comes- (We aren't talking sales or gameplay), is Resistance 2 the best looking console shooter to date?


My take: Yes.


1. First off, I've heard some people complaining about the textures, and thats a big myth. The textures in Resistance 2 are better than Gears of War 2.




Secondly, the game has an insane lighting engine. Resistance 2 just recently added self shadowing and the reults are fantastic. Just look at the shadows in this photo:



3. The environment is VAST. There are ships flying in the air, explosions all over the place, and tons of enemies on screen at one time. Notice in this photo there are planes in the background, explosions going off by themselves, two goliaths, and one chimera. In the Co-Op there are moments where there are over a hundred enemies of all sizes coming after you.:



4. An INSANE amount of character detail. While doing ALL of what I mentioned before, the game manages to have characters as detailed as Metal Gear Solid 4's Snake. Look at this guy:


5. Finally, Animations!! The game uses Motion Captured (not an easy feat) animations for the characters. Both the running and death animations were captured at a Sony Mo-Cap facility in Santa Monica. Here is an example of a Mo-cap death:


Take off the fanboy goggles and use some better pics of gears. WAYY To many fanboys in this

I'm quoting this post because I think people should see it, clearly Gears 2 has more going on in terms of graphics (textures etc).

Resistance 2 is goregous as well, such a big improvement since the last I saw of in-game (footage 3 months ago). Still Gears 2 is better, especially in the detail on character models.

Also TalkingParrot, lighting effects was a big no-no as a "advantage" of Resistance, the only really lighting effects are shadows and sheen, which we've seen in many games thus far. Still brilliant looking. But look at the first of the new screenshots of Gears (new being not posted in OP), light breaks through the smoke and there is a bit of glare because the camera hits the suns light directly (one of the R2 shots shows that aswell, but not the light breaking the smoke).

Honestly, I won't call it yet, but based on what we've seen, Gears 2 as of right now. Wait until both drop before you start these stupid threads.