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selnor said:
Griffin said:
Far Cry2 looks like shit next to any of the current shooters, so can you people stop talking about that game like its some sort of graphics beast.

This is a joke right???

Fanboyism is one thing but when it is as blantant as FC2>>>>>>>>>>>>(KZ2,Gears2 and R2) it ends up being seriously stupid times on VGchartz.

Not only does FC2 look better in stills, but when you watch the very latest footage from FDJV from both R2 and FC2 it becomes so apparant how much better the FC2 engine is. Not only is it photorealistic Africa, but it has real fire physics and particle effects. They have been posted go and watch. The engine as a whole takes incredible amounts of CPU raw power.



People, Selnor is right FC2 does indeed look better than R2 and Gears 2. Im not putting KZ2 in there (yet) cuz the game still has a lot of time that can make the game look better but if it were to ship as is, then yes FC2 does  have a slight graphical edge to KZ2. With that said, Selnor, it's not all about the graphics. Yes I know, we're in a thread about how "OMGZ R2 GRAFIX!!! TEH BOMBZORS!!" and all, but for some odd reason, watching the FC2 clips (and I've seen ALOT), I'm just not anticipating it's release. IDK, maybe it's the open world aspect to the game but it doesn't look anything special to me.

Since u know and seen so much about FC2, are there any videos that u would recommend that can help me change my mind? Cuz I'd seriously would like to show off my HDTV with this game.