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IllegalPaladin said:
SnakeEyez said:
usyk said:


Nice video. Damn man I wanna see somebody die to those chameleons. He was close to dying around :43 seconds in but he killed it, and with the a few shots from the bullseye I might add. It makes me wonder how weak are they.


The videos also show the players being able to take a ton of hits, so perhaps it's just easy for people to demo.

Then again, would you really want these things to be able to take a ton of hits? Unless you can cause them to break off their attack, being charged could mean certain death.

hmm, I never thought about that. Maybe it's not the little amount of hits that the chameleon took, maybe it's the fact that it's the bullseye. From wat I've played in R:FOM, the bullseye was...kinda weak. I remember when I had only the carbine and the bullseye, I would ALWAYS use the carbine. A shotgun shell to the chameleons seems right, but that chameleon was VERY close to the player and died real quick to the bullseye (granted the bullseye shoots REAL fast).

hmm, now that I think about it, y doesn't Resistance 2 have a subtitle? It would've been cool if they kept that for every game....Resistance 2 : Man's last hours or something like that.