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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

^Why did u plat it?

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Ail said:
Some of you guys need to spend less time on trying to maximise trophy gathering/hours played and spend more time on actually enjoying the games and you will have more fun imo...


I don't have a lot of time to play games nowadays, so I tend to dive straight into trophies. Plus, the recent games I haven't really cared about and only rented them for the trophies. I am enjoying DWG2 a lot and have definitely gone on tangents away from trophy hunting.

word. just beat PoP. man did that ending drag on haha. got all trophies except for the lightseeds, runners, and co-op jump. not looking forward to getting those and then having to beat the end again lol.

The 2nd playthrough is actually a lot easier than ur first

Jboy0990 said:
The 2nd playthrough is actually a lot easier than ur first

well luckily i dont have to replay it :) just gotta get those stupid seeds n the other crap that doesnt need a replay. im just annoyed i have to the final fight and all that crap at the end again to get the final seed >:o   hopefully i dont get the lightseed glitch!

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yeah true
and the light seed glitch is really rare
Its very unlikely to happen

@ail yeah totally agree playing first then trophys second, i find the whole get the easy platinums culture abit sad as were is the challenge in that.

Any1 playing socom or you guys scared of a hard platinum lol :p

Screw Prince of Persia. It's annoying, and aggravating, and repetitive.

I'm going to play LittleBigPlanet until inFamous comes out. I'll never plat LBP, but I'll try inFamous, that one looks pretty easy.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

mattbfg said:
@ail yeah totally agree playing first then trophys second, i find the whole get the easy platinums culture abit sad as were is the challenge in that.

Any1 playing socom or you guys scared of a hard platinum lol :p


I wouldn't say that SOCOM is a terribly hard platinum, but more of a time consuming one considering the objectives you need to fulfill. I had thought about trying to get some of the trophies in that game (my cousin owns the game and never plays it), but I don't want to get caught up in another online game anytime soon, plus I barely get enough time to play games as it is.

Kantor said:
Screw Prince of Persia. It's annoying, and aggravating, and repetitive.

I'm going to play LittleBigPlanet until inFamous comes out. I'll never plat LBP, but I'll try inFamous, that one looks pretty easy.

I managed to get the 14 hit combo on the 2nd to last Alchemist battle last night.  I was proud of myself.