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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

MasterVG71782 said:
MGS4 and CoD4 both need trophies, as well as other older games, but they will never get them (there's still hope for MGS4, I would think).


I reckon that trophies will be added once the subsistance/substance version of MSG4 comes out, we may just hear something about it at this year E3.

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Though I haven't touched the game in ages I would really love to plat Burnout. I just need to somehow get that 8 players in wildcats stadium trophy and the motorbike 100% trophy.



The light seeds are so annoying!

I decided to load my save file closest to the end. There are still two bosses and two fertile grounds left! And over 300 light seeds! The most infuriating thing is finding 43/45, and not knowing where the hell the other two are!

Am I meant to look up 24 fucking YouTube videos? (23, actually, since I got one!)

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Man, I am almost done with RE5 on Veteran. I just need to beat Wesker now. The place right before I had to buy a rocket launcher to get through the 2 guys with chain guns.

It took me so long to get here that I think I wont get to plat it before I have to return it.

Branko2166 said:
Though I haven't touched the game in ages I would really love to plat Burnout. I just need to somehow get that 8 players in wildcats stadium trophy and the motorbike 100% trophy.

You don't need that one.

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MasterVG71782 said:
MGS4 and CoD4 both need trophies, as well as other older games, but they will never get them (there's still hope for MGS4, I would think).

Based on the past games I believe that MGS4 will release a subsistence type version like they did with MGS3 and MGS1 & 2 with added features and modes and this time trophies too. I would hope as not to alienate everyone who bought the original they would also make this update available as DLC.


has anyone platinumed Sonic unleashed?

Well, the one year anniversary of MGS4 is coming up, so there might be a good chance of trophies being released then. If trophies are released for the game, I sincerely hope that one of the trophies is getting all of the emblems, as there are a few that are insane.

Destroyer_of_knights said:
has anyone platinumed Sonic unleashed?


I'm sure there are people who have gotten platinum on it, but it doesn't look like anyone has in the league.

Are you going to plat the new Dynasty Warriors?

I might go for Killzone 2 plat myself. I'm still not sure I want to play the game on Elite though. That final boss fight is going to be insanely frustrating. Some of the remaining online medals will be difficult too. As for the top 1% weekly honor trophy I'm aiming to get that this week. I believe I need to stay in the top 10,000 if they count all players who have registered online, even if they don't play that week. Can anyone confirm this?
Last night I was in the top 6,000 so it seems doable if I play it every night.

Otherwise, I'm really looking forward to playing inFamous next and also the japanese Final Fantasy XIII demo. I just ordered it because I decided I couldn't wait until 2010 to get a taste for what its like. I found a translation of the demo's script online so I can understand the dialogue.

Also I'm getting so pumped for E3 this year. Looks like there could be a lot of cool announcements from all the predictions I've read. There's rumored to be a new feature heavy firmware released at the show too. I really hope we get cross game voice chat with it.