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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Jboy0990 said:
Fadetoone you shouldnt have a problem the second playthrough
I didnt at least. btw i got Resistance 2 today!
Damn so many games to play, i need to get started :)

Good game. Nothing fantastic, though. The way you guys seem to look at things, it should be a reasonably easy platinum, just takes some time.

A lot of time.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that your avatar is awesome. Although Argus >>>>>>> Quadratus!

Names of the colossi are there, btw.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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The first playthrough of Prince of Persia should take like 10-12 hours, depending on the skill of the player (I got the 12 hour trophy the first time through) and some might even go over that 12 hour mark. If you have to do a second playthrough, it shouldn't take more than like 5 hours. The game is really, really easy once you know what you're doing.

I'm already on my second playthrough lol.

I think I can get everything other than "Less than 100 saves" and "Less than 12 hours" on this one. I'll have to leave those for next time, because the others I can do if experimenting in a large amount of time with more than 100 deaths.

There's no way I can get 1000 light seeds, do 4 runs, find every combo, make a 14 hit combo, find two views and get to the lowest point in the world in less than 12 hours with less than 100 deaths.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Also, I'm sure everyone knows about the Superhuman trophy trick on Resistance 2. Basically, you need to beat the whole Campaign on hard to unlock Superhuman, but you don't need to beat it the whole way through on Superhuman to get the OMGWTFBBQ trophy. You only need to do the Mexico level (last whole level) to get the trophy, which cuts down the time needed a little bit. I don't know if they fixed it, but it should still be present I would think.

I think they fixed that :(

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Kantor said:
Jboy0990 said:
Fadetoone you shouldnt have a problem the second playthrough
I didnt at least. btw i got Resistance 2 today!
Damn so many games to play, i need to get started :)

Good game. Nothing fantastic, though. The way you guys seem to look at things, it should be a reasonably easy platinum, just takes some time.

A lot of time.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that your avatar is awesome. Although Argus >>>>>>> Quadratus!

Names of the colossi are there, btw.


lol thanks and no doubt i gotta agree with u Argus is waaaay better lol

How is Wrestlemania ? maybe get it and it only has 2 bronze trophies :)


Really easy. i mean 7 golds 10 silvers and 2 bronzes?
Honestly these trophies can be earned in a day
the only hard one is winning 38 straight matches but its not hard at all
I got two golds left and i plat it so yupp :)

I will look in to it maybe when the price gets down a bit and after Infamous.


yeah possibly
I'm about 10 mins away from the plat