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MasterVG71782 said:
Heh, I don't blame you getting bored of the game after some missions, as the Dynasty Warriors games are very repetitive. Of course, due to my love of the series, I don't tend to get bored of them if I have long play sessions.

Also, you have quite a few unfinished games on your list. Do you not have those games anymore to finish them or you simply don't want to play them anymore?


I think I'm going to alternate DWG2 and KZ2, I tried the online for the first time yesterday and it was fun.

I am getting Sacred 2 on Friday though.....

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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Getting saved less than 100 times is going to be a pain in my ass in Prince of Persia. I'm constantly hitting the wrong button and stuff... oh and not reacting fast enough when I don't realize I need a co-op jump...

I don't suppose it lets you keep your light seeds on a second playthrough? If I didn't have to collect them, I'd have to spend far less time jumping around and missing jumps.


Maybe I'll see you online in Killzone 2. I'm going to push for general rank and the weekly honor rank #4 this week. I need to also pick up the new DLC map pack.

Right now it is tough getting back into Killzone 2 online. I was top of the servers back when I played it during the first 2 weeks after launch (I stopped immediately once RE5 came out). And now getting back into it everyone has all the powered up weapons and classes and I still only have the assault rifle and shotgun and the soldier, medic, and engineer class. I played last night and I'm much closer to the bottom of the servers now... hopefully I can get good at the game again with a few upgrades like the sniper rifle.

I joined a noob server for my first 2 games :P

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Kylie i love the new signature

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Oh yeah, I didn't think of that. My rank is too high to join a noob server. I think I'm 2 ranks away from general. You could join a higher server though.

HideoK said:
Oh yeah, I didn't think of that. My rank is too high to join a noob server. I think I'm 2 ranks away from general. You could join a higher server though.


Gonna wait I have more than 60 starting ammo, 1 grenade and no class I can pick :P

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

KylieDog said:The trick is to only get enough lightseeds to fight the final boss, then make a manual save.  Then fight the final boss, get the 'saves' and '12 hours' trophy. 

After that load your save from before the final boss and insted go collect all the lightseeds.

Ha.  It's already way too late for that as I've been saved way more than 100 times and I'm around halfway done.  I was planning on a second playthrough anyway.


Fadetoone you shouldnt have a problem the second playthrough
I didnt at least. btw i got Resistance 2 today!
Damn so many games to play, i need to get started :)

I'm going to tackle Prince of Persia now.

See if I can manage it in 3 weeks

Should do it easily, right? Ten hours for a playthrough, max. So even if it takes two...

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