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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Resident 5 platinum for me ^^

now I´ll start playing Demon´s Souls... and back to street 4

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for those who have beat bioshock... how much of the game is left from where i am at. i just "killed" ryan and found out who atlas REALLY is. thanks!

No clue
Never beat it

More three levels .... In the last one u pretty much just have to defeat the boss

okay thanks guys.

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I only need the Level 8 Bad/Neutral karma trophies to get the platinum for Fallout 3. After that, I'll be moving on to Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, which I hopefully get to play a lot and platinum it before next week.

Everyone who likes easy platinums should probably pick this up when it releases:

There are only 12 trophies, and all the platinum involves is beating each level on hard difficulty...

I'm not enough of a trophy whore to buy a game just because it's an easy platinum, though. And Terminator Salvation looks pretty awful, imo.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Hurray im back in the trophy hunt as system number 3 has arrived :)
Now only trouble is im struggling to update my previous trophys collected :( hopefully back on track by next update :/

Yeah Terminator Salvation is mine

Kantor said:
Everyone who likes easy platinums should probably pick this up when it releases:

There are only 12 trophies, and all the platinum involves is beating each level on hard difficulty...

I'm not enough of a trophy whore to buy a game just because it's an easy platinum, though. And Terminator Salvation looks pretty awful, imo.


 I doubt its the official list.