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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

@ Jboy0990
You need the usb camera to send a mugshot when playing online. I still need to do bunch of online timed challenges. Most random ppl online do not cooperate lol.

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Got my Re5 platinum :)


Just finished HAWX, I now have a nice 22 trophies from it, but only 1 gold and 1 silver... it has far too many multiplayer trophies, the rest are in MP (actually I think I can get 1 more in the campaign)

Just out of interest, I was wandering if people doing user reviews, who are part of the trophy league, would include a paragraph on the trophies? I read the reviews on Xbox360achievements because they have a paragraph (and score) for the achievements, so I was wondering if we should do the same for trophies. It would help advise fellow trophy hunters, and of course, it is relevant to the value. I think I will be doing it for future reviews, and might go back to a few of my old ones to add them in.

@ Munkeh111

That's a good idea actually, I'll keep it in mind.

Welll Ulduar is releasing today for Wow so my trophy hunting is going to tank big time....

Back to 6 days of raiding/week for the foreseeable future...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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Goodfella said:
@ Jboy0990
You need the usb camera to send a mugshot when playing online. I still need to do bunch of online timed challenges. Most random ppl online do not cooperate lol.

You don't need to do the time challenges for the platinum... not the one where you need to complete 10 or however many, anyway.

Well ill be gettin it so if anybody wuld like to help out online i would appreciate it

Sonic is the easiest plat but wudnt every1 be saying diffrently if they didnt have mbm cheat? :p
After a rest from trophy hunting(playing socom which has trophys but are time killers) im back in business :)

I played MBM all the way thru
me and my brother have the Sonic Genesis game that they have for game cube and MBM is on it and we've been playin it for years lol

KylieDog said:
Jboy0990 said:
Well ill be gettin it so if anybody wuld like to help out online i would appreciate it

I've been thinking of getting Burnout Paradise for ages.  It is just the camera that I really do not like.  In both first and third person it is just too low.

It is quite annoying but it is a fantastic game, which is easy to plat, and fun to do so. The demo should still be on the PlayStation store if you haven't already played it