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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

marciosmg said:
Woo Hoo!!!!!

Got my 4th plat with Mercs2!!!!

Finally! This game is too time-consuming!!!

Do you see me rising fast, Flow? Do you?


 U are on fire, congratz


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marciosmg said:
Woo Hoo!!!!!

Got my 4th plat with Mercs2!!!!

Finally! This game is too time-consuming!!!

Do you see me rising fast, Flow? Do you?


Damn, congrats man, you got platinum on that game before me, and I've had the game since December. The thing that screwed me over is having Co-op completely open while playing back in December and having some idiot screw me over and kill a HVT, then verifying it. That means I'll have to play through the game again to get the Aces High trophy >.<

nordlead said:
yay, I'm finally earning trophies again. I just got LBP last night and I'm making my way through the story level. I need to find some people to play with though, as a I can't get the items that need 2 people. (or I have to convince my wife to play)

You should convince your wife to play no matter what

nordlead said:
yay, I'm finally earning trophies again. I just got LBP last night and I'm making my way through the story level. I need to find some people to play with though, as a I can't get the items that need 2 people. (or I have to convince my wife to play)

I think I did most of the 2 player areas by myself with 2 controllers.  There were only a handful that required a second pair of hands.

Ail said:
Grrr mercenaries is so fun in Re5 I am kinda sad it doen't have any trophy...
There should be a gold one for S ranking every map darnit...

Mercenaries is really fun. I wish there was trophies too. 

I've been playing the single player on Veteran now and I'm finding it even easier than normal. I got all A ranks my first time playing normal, but now I'm getting all S ranks on every level in Veteran. The time to complete levels always brought me down along with a few deaths before. Also, apart from knowing the levels I am using the 1st shotgun fully upgraded so thats another huge factor. (no infinite ammo though)

I sure hope Professional presents more of a challenge. I guess if I start with no weapons and don't use any previously upgraded ones I can force that challenge upon myself.


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Rainbird said:
nordlead said:
yay, I'm finally earning trophies again. I just got LBP last night and I'm making my way through the story level. I need to find some people to play with though, as a I can't get the items that need 2 people. (or I have to convince my wife to play)

You should convince your wife to play no matter what

well, I only have 1 controller at the moment, but if she likes playing 1 player at all I'd drop the money on a second controller.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

Tbone said:
Hey guys have u heared Ninja gaiden sigma II is coming to ps3 imagine it with trophys, i doubt anyone of us will plat it.


Plat in that game should count as 3 plats !
I am definitly going for it !

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

HideoK said:
Ail said:
Grrr mercenaries is so fun in Re5 I am kinda sad it doen't have any trophy...
There should be a gold one for S ranking every map darnit...

Mercenaries is really fun. I wish there was trophies too. 

I've been playing the single player on Veteran now and I'm finding it even easier than normal. I got all A ranks my first time playing normal, but now I'm getting all S ranks on every level in Veteran. The time to complete levels always brought me down along with a few deaths before. Also, apart from knowing the levels I am using the 1st shotgun fully upgraded so thats another huge factor. (no infinite ammo though)

I sure hope Professional presents more of a challenge. I guess if I start with no weapons and don't use any previously upgraded ones I can force that challenge upon myself.


been looking for treasures and BSAAA emblems so I'm doing shitty times in veteran..( I got some Bs :((, not sure why I seem to be shooting worse...( part of the issue is Sheva has a better weapon and several times I shoot a guy that is actually already dead from her shots...)

That and Ndesu gave me a lot of problem ( I beat him first try in Normal and never had any problem with him but he gave me many problems in veterans...).

I gave Sheva AK 74 with Infinite ammo and now I am up to chapter 4 I have Riffle, shotgun and MG fully upgraded with infinite ammo lol :P


PS : Sheva + fullly upgraded AK 74 is a killing machine...


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
Tbone said:
Hey guys have u heared Ninja gaiden sigma II is coming to ps3 imagine it with trophys, i doubt anyone of us will plat it.


Plat in that game should count as 3 plats !
I am definitly going for it !


 Hehe yeah no doubt about it, i liked Sigma alot so im gonna buy it.


Damn yall are quick with this
I just moved to Florida so im kinda slow with the trophies lol
I have like 5 emblems and i agree with Kylie Dog
The only thing Sheva does is fire the machine gun like a pistol unless its a really hard enemy