HideoK said:
Mercenaries is really fun. I wish there was trophies too. I've been playing the single player on Veteran now and I'm finding it even easier than normal. I got all A ranks my first time playing normal, but now I'm getting all S ranks on every level in Veteran. The time to complete levels always brought me down along with a few deaths before. Also, apart from knowing the levels I am using the 1st shotgun fully upgraded so thats another huge factor. (no infinite ammo though) I sure hope Professional presents more of a challenge. I guess if I start with no weapons and don't use any previously upgraded ones I can force that challenge upon myself.
been looking for treasures and BSAAA emblems so I'm doing shitty times in veteran..( I got some Bs :((, not sure why I seem to be shooting worse...( part of the issue is Sheva has a better weapon and several times I shoot a guy that is actually already dead from her shots...)
That and Ndesu gave me a lot of problem ( I beat him first try in Normal and never had any problem with him but he gave me many problems in veterans...).
I gave Sheva AK 74 with Infinite ammo and now I am up to chapter 4 I have Riffle, shotgun and MG fully upgraded with infinite ammo lol :P
PS : Sheva + fullly upgraded AK 74 is a killing machine...