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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Wow so Alone in the Dark Inferno was pretty much the easiest game ever. Took me three days to get the Platinum. Would have taken only two but work got in the way.

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Munkeh111 said:
Damm KZ2 MP is keeping me from getting many trophies atm, but I should get a gold in it this weekend


 Have u beat the game on Elite difficulty.


Tbone said:
Munkeh111 said:
Damm KZ2 MP is keeping me from getting many trophies atm, but I should get a gold in it this weekend

 Have u beat the game on Elite difficulty.

No I'm saving that for the summer when I intend to beat CoD WaW on veteran, Uncharted on crushing and ME on insanity (or whatever it is called)

Good luck with COD WaW its almost impossible
Uncharted on crushing mode is almost a walk in the park
And i havent played ME on insanity

Mikalike1217 said:
Good luck with COD WaW its almost impossible
Uncharted on crushing mode is almost a walk in the park
And i havent played ME on insanity

I had done 1/3 before I got other games to play, but is Uncharted really a cakewalk on crushing? I thought many areas of it were tough on normal

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@ Munkeh

Once you get used to crushing, it's not that bad, but you will have to be careful with what you do.

And also, ME as in Mirror's Edge? The highest difficultilevel in ME is a joke. In my first playthrough, I did it without shooting anyone, and it was easier for me to complete the game on hardest compared to that.

I meant Mass Effect, but I still need to finish Mirror's Edge the first time, and then go back on hard, I am also completing it without shooting anyone

Yes Uncharted was insanely easy. Its the only game i've ever been able to play 3 times back to backto back.

Only play 150 comunity levels and get 100% prizes...

and platinum in LBP. But I have to find somebody to play the x4 player parts in three levels.

I gave up on LBP. Its hard trying to get people to Heart me and my level.