Heck yeah, finally done with XCOM 2 - second ultra-rare plat for this year!
My website: Precocious Ragamuffin
Heck yeah, finally done with XCOM 2 - second ultra-rare plat for this year!
My website: Precocious Ragamuffin
John2290 said: Hey Golf, Does Batman have all trophies tied to one story path or is there any way to avoid the plat? |
All story related
John2290 said: No point in bothering with the Platinum for Everything, there is an extremely glitchy trophy that has managed to survive the last two patches and it simply a case of you may get it or you may not after trying infinite numbers of times. I'll check back if the devs fix it in another patch. |
Which game are you referring to?
mjk45 said: Botw done , now I'm looking toward the horizon and I hope by so doing ,it doesn't have a mass effect on my persona. |
Impressions on it?
golfgt170 said:
Which game are you referring to? |
Oh you already said Everything hahaha. Just figured it out :D
golfgt170 said:
Oh you already said Everything hahaha. Just figured it out :D |
What game is that? I might avoid it lol.
Thanks for the update. Slow week for me.
Ty for the update aswell. Im on fire lately lol
golfgt170 said:
Impressions on it? |
Really enjoyed it , the open world is great , no real dungeons in the game the closest to one is hyrule castle itself, and even though people call them dungeons the divine beasts are just large puzzle rooms, some people complain about weapon breakage, my only comment is I would like them to have given them a numbered rating like they have for atk strength so you would have say soldiers sword 14atk/10hit,other than that I found it not to be a problem ,if you love the world of zelda and don't mind open world games you will love this game , it's not the perfect game though, pop up and creatures dissapearing close to you hampers what is a game of exploration also enemy diversity isn't great and the same ones appear all over the map in every type of terrain ,the npcs lack personality compared to previous games , and the post game could have had a bit more substance ,but it's still a game I put over 100 hrs into even though i could have finished the story side much earlier, if they keep the open world and add more of what made people loved in 3D zelda's like OOt TP etc they will make an even greater game.
92 /100
Research shows Video games help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot
March Trophy Total: 271 trophies
March 2017: Month with most trophies acquired ever!
Previous record: Oct 2016 with 263 trophies
finally got all the collectibles and this great screenshot with my new platinum and this is my trophy number 4000
Proudest Platinums - BF: Bad Company, Killzone 2 , Battlefield 3 and GTA4