ghettoglamour said:
I have adressed and fixed the issue in my build, but I haven't delivered the next update to Arc yet, which might take a while. |
Cool. Thanks for your update too (on the progress).
My website: Precocious Ragamuffin
ghettoglamour said:
I have adressed and fixed the issue in my build, but I haven't delivered the next update to Arc yet, which might take a while. |
Cool. Thanks for your update too (on the progress).
My website: Precocious Ragamuffin
sergiodaly said: Hi. I miss the chartz last week, but now i did check this weeks update and it looks very good. Don't know if someone explained the rarity of the plats, but i would like to know how does the split is done between common and ultra? |
Stats pulled from
Division of platinum trophy rarities:
Common = greater than 50%
Uncommon = between 20% and 50%
Rare = between 10% and 20%
Super = between 5% and 10%
Ultra = less than 5%
My website: Precocious Ragamuffin
Esquoret said:
Stats pulled from Division of platinum trophy rarities: Common = greater than 50% Uncommon = between 20% and 50% Rare = between 10% and 20% Super = between 5% and 10% Ultra = less than 5% |
Oh, ok. I thought it was the psn profile percentages but i did check and did not add up. I didn't know that site, but i did check it out, it's a lot less popular than psn profiles. I state this because if they're are that different in size, it would be arguable the choose of one over the other, the larger site don't give us better numbers? Just saying...
Proudest Platinums - BF: Bad Company, Killzone 2 , Battlefield 3 and GTA4
sergiodaly said:
Oh, ok. I thought it was the psn profile percentages but i did check and did not add up. I didn't know that site, but i did check it out, it's a lot less popular than psn profiles. I state this because if they're are that different in size, it would be arguable the choose of one over the other, the larger site don't give us better numbers? Just saying... |
If you mean the platinum leaderboard, we have a little bug when calculating each rarity totals. It will be fixed soon.
I actually tried to collect data from psn profiles, but on that site you can't force updates automatically from an app, which is currently possible on PSNTL, hopefully for a long time (knock on wood). With PSNTL we always have fresh data without relying on manual updates.
ghettoglamour said:
If you mean the platinum leaderboard, we have a little bug when calculating each rarity totals. It will be fixed soon. I actually tried to collect data from psn profiles, but on that site you can't force updates automatically from an app, which is currently possible on PSNTL, hopefully for a long time (knock on wood). With PSNTL we always have fresh data without relying on manual updates. |
After i write that post, i did remember that you could have a better api to fetch data from psntl than psn profiles. Psnp has a bigger data pond but if it's faster and smoother from psntl than that is fine by me. Was wondering the reasoning behind that option, but it makes sense now.
Proudest Platinums - BF: Bad Company, Killzone 2 , Battlefield 3 and GTA4
I'm currently 99,966 th in USA.
Deus Ex (2000) - a game that pushes the boundaries of what the video game medium is capable of to a degree unmatched to this very day.
John2290 said: Fancy new tables. Very nice. I think the winner is pretty clear after just two months. Not a chance anyone is catching up with Veritaz. |
I need to slow down but I really want to see how far I can beat last year, kind of like a competition with myself too. Everyone should try and do better than they did before.
KylieDog said: Not a fan of the new Platinum leaderboard. Like the points being rewarded based on how hard a Platinum is, not the popularity of the game. Games with hard platinums but don't sell much and have dedicated fanbases suffer badly, like DMC1 plat is only Very Rare, DMC3 is just Rare. Those are hard platinums. Meanwhile easy slog fests like GTAV are Ultra Rare because it just sells so much that those who bother to do it all are a small number. Or games that are easy and fast to Plat like MGS3 have the same Rare rating, due to it being a popular game and increasing the rarity. |
I'm sorry that you don't like the new system, however this means much less work for Arc, as the app does everything automatically.
I'm sure there are also pros and cons. Arc went to to get the difficulty after the first user in our league got the plat. Then never checked back again to update the difficulty, which may vary significantly, especially compared to very early after launch, as the quickest hunters usually vote very low.
On the other hand, rarities will be updated monthly.
I'm sure there are also other explanations for you examples other than popularity. GTA V plat might not be too challenging, but it requires a lot of time investment and has annoying af collection and online trophies. I'm a hunter myself and didn't even think about platting that.
MGS3 has also the shitty shoot the frogs trophy, another potential deal breaker.
And yeah, games on PS+ tend to get rarer trophies, on the opposite of remasters usually get more common because the buyers are mostly dedicated fans of the franchise.
Those tables look GREAT!!
PSN: Saugeen-Uwo Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!
Nintendo Network ID: Saugeen-Uwo
KylieDog said: Would it not be possible to reference a database file of platinum difficulties and have it auto-calculate based on that? Difficulty ratings don't really change, and at best it's in the first couple of weeks that they do. |
I did this previously. Ratings were manually gathered from and inputted into a database. When the platinum leaderboard was generated, it would automatically calculate everyones totals based on the information in the database. Even with the database it was still very time consuming to manually gather the difficulty rating for new games that had to be added to the database.
Now, there is the possibility of automatically gather the difficuly rating from However, I think this would be prone to a lot of errors since we would be gathering data from two different sites. If a game title is slightly different on one site vs the other (for whatever reason), it could mess things up.