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Wow West VA huh? imbred? hillbilly?

And to think YOU were the one to talk about people bein immature

Get a damn life besides talkin shit over a damn keyboard

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Jboy0990 said:

Wow West VA huh? imbred? hillbilly?

And to think YOU were the one to talk about people bein immature

Get a damn life besides talkin shit over a damn keyboard


Sometimes, it takes being a fool to own a fool. Or in this case, a gay fool... you.

This is a one sided conflict, and to be honest, you're boring me. Please bring Max back, then maybe I wouldn't have the displeasure of conversing with a total idoit.

1. I never called anyone gay i said a game looks gay

2. U started shit out of nowhere cuz i said a game looks gay

3. I was stating anybody can talk shit over a keyboard so ur not proving anything by talkin shit to me

4. me gettin pissed off does not make me a hypocrite everyone gets pissed off

Then stop postin dumbass honestly

apparently I'm not borin u too much cuz u won't shut the hell up

Who is the hypocrite now? I bore u yet u still post more to talk shit? Wow who contradicts themselves now?

Seriously next time someone says a game looks gay just mind ur own damn business

Jboy0990 said:

1. I never called anyone gay i said a game looks gay

2. U started shit out of nowhere cuz i said a game looks gay

3. I was stating anybody can talk shit over a keyboard so ur not proving anything by talkin shit to me

4. me gettin pissed off does not make me a hypocrite everyone gets pissed off

1. You called me a "fagget", that word is usually taken as a substitute to the word "gay". Stop trying to change your words please.

2. I didn't start anything, you needlessly fired at me when I simply gave you an opinion and your own medicine. You can call things gay, but you can't take being called gay. This means that the word "gay" wasn't as harmless as you thought it was.

3. True, anyone CAN talk shit over the net, but not everyone can make Jboy0990 look as bad as i did.

4. This is the second time I said this. At first you said that you weren't offended at all, then you go around saying that you were pissed. Then you say that because you were pissed off, it was okay to call someone a fagget but it's not okay if someone called you gay. C'mon man, that's called hypocrisy.

Also, you ask why don't I stop? Because I don't quit until the cockroach is dead or has nothing else to say.

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No u didn't make anyone look bad but urself

Yeah i called u a fagget because u called me gay out of nowhere

I never called anyone gay/fagget UNTIL u called me gay

So ur sayin that u expect me to sit here and look like a bitch while u call me gay? HA i don't think so

Like i said u just made urself look bad cuz u started shit out of nowhere because i said a game looked gay which makes u look like an asshole

But whatever u can really believe what u want because anybody can just go back and read who started shit first who called who what first

And sayin a game looks gay and bein called gay are two completely different things

Jboy0990 said:

No u didn't make anyone look bad but urself

Yeah i called u a fagget because u called me gay out of nowhere

I never called anyone gay/fagget UNTIL u called me gay

So ur sayin that u expect me to sit here and look like a bitch while u call me gay? HA i don't think so

Like i said u just made urself look bad cuz u started shit out of nowhere because i said a game looked gay which makes u look like an asshole

But whatever u can really believe what u want because anybody can just go back and read who started shit first who called who what first

And sayin a game looks gay and bein called gay are two completely different things

I'm apparently repeating myself.

I called you gay to prove some points. The points was:

1. You didn't seriously think the word "gay" was harmless.

2. You are infact immature

3. You are a hypocrite

So lets recap the entire siuation.

Were you able to take being called "gay" after calling something "gay"? no.

Were you able to explain yourself with reason and not go on a rampage where you insult others that disagreed with you? no

Were you able to show anyone how you could NOT be considered a hypocrite after calling someone a "fagget" after you were saying how others were immature and you weren't? no

As far as you being a quite and a bitch is concerned... you only had 3 options; a bitch, a fool or both.

The funniest part is that you don't realize how stupid you've made yourself look throughout this entire conversation. I didn't say anything in an attempt to harm your feelings (I personally don't care about them), everything I typed was inorder to prove some points. Frankly, you proved that your logic is seriously flawed.

So in spite of everything, I'll say this again.

If Jboy0990 were a videogame, it would be a gay one. better?

Ok now let me recap
For me bein called gay and callin something gay
for 1 i said a VIDEOGAME looked gay
2 you said I was gay
ME and a VIDEOGAME are 2 completely different things
I never called anyone gay
I said a fuckin game looked gay
U out of nowhere posted sayin i was immature for sayin a videogame was gay
and i said how am i immature for sayin that
and u go on and type some essay shit trying to make u sound more intelligent than you really are
Then out of nowhere u call me gay
I get pissed and call u a fagget yeah
And u called me a hypocrite before i called u a fagget so u callin me a hypocrite before callin u a fagget makes no sense and yeah i get pissed if i get called gay for no apparent reason
I said a game was gay not a human being i wasn't hurting anything or anybody
A game doesn't have feelings and ur makin it seem like it does
Ur whole point basically makes no sense because ur sayin i can't say a videogame looks gay because i don't like to be called gay?
Once again a game doen't have feelings and cannot be harmed from me sayin it looks gay
Now if i called someone else gay this would make sense but i said A GAME LOOKS GAY
U went on this whole rambunctious speech that don't make any sense because a videogame doesn't have feelings(like u apparently think they do)
So 1.Callin someone gay for no reason at all yes is harmless a game no
2.I'm not immature for stating my opinion on a game i think don't look interesting
3.I'm not a hypocrite cuz i never said callin somebody a name isn't harmless

Jboy0990 said:
Ok now let me recap
For me bein called gay and callin something gay
for 1 i said a VIDEOGAME looked gay
2 you said I was gay
ME and a VIDEOGAME are 2 completely different things
I never called anyone gay
I said a fuckin game looked gay
U out of nowhere posted sayin i was immature for sayin a videogame was gay
and i said how am i immature for sayin that
and u go on and type some essay shit trying to make u sound more intelligent than you really are
Then out of nowhere u call me gay
I get pissed and call u a fagget yeah
And u called me a hypocrite before i called u a fagget so u callin me a hypocrite before callin u a fagget makes no sense and yeah i get pissed if i get called gay for no apparent reason
I said a game was gay not a human being i wasn't hurting anything or anybody
A game doesn't have feelings and ur makin it seem like it does
Ur whole point basically makes no sense because ur sayin i can't say a videogame looks gay because i don't like to be called gay?
Once again a game doen't have feelings and cannot be harmed from me sayin it looks gay
Now if i called someone else gay this would make sense but i said A GAME LOOKS GAY
U went on this whole rambunctious speech that don't make any sense because a videogame doesn't have feelings(like u apparently think they do)
So 1.Callin someone gay for no reason at all yes is harmless a game no
2.I'm not immature for stating my opinion on a game i think don't look interesting
3.I'm not a hypocrite cuz i never said callin somebody a name isn't harmless

I honestly think you're too stupid to understand my point (that I clearly stated many times already).

Yes, you're not a videogame, no shit Sherlock. The entire argument was based around the immaturity of using the word "gay" as a means to discribe something you dislike. Yet, you STILL think I called you gay because you believed that I literally thought you were.  You thought that using the word "gay" to discribe something was in no way immature. At that point, you got all bitchy and started calling others immature for YOUR poor choice of words. So to prove a point, I discribed your opinions (or you) as "gay", just like you discribed that game as "gay".

In return, you called me immature for using the word "gay" right before you called me a "fagget".

You got to understand something, I don't care about your feelings or your opinions towards a videogame. I'm just proving the point that when you discribe something in such a childish and blunt way such as the word "gay", you will come across as being immature. The funny part is that YOU were the one that proved it. After I called you gay, you immediately called me an immature "fagget". During the entire process, you simply made yourself look like a hypocrite and fool as you denied the facts.

So to sum everything up and reply to your 3 claims:

1. Calling anything "gay" for no real reason or for an utter lack of words shows how immature a person is.

2. Having an opinion doesn't give anyone an excuse for being immature. For example, I think your views are stupid and I think you're gay, and you called me immature, yet it was only my opinion.

3. You are a hypocrite because...

  • You easily call things gay, but you cannot accept being called gay
  • You say that you're not offended, yet you call others names because you're pissedoff and think it's okay to do so.
  • You go on a tantrum when someone calls you gay and immature or disagrees with you, yet you call others "fagget" and immature when you disagree with them.
You think this is personal, it isn't. 
You think this is about what I think about this "flower" game, it isn't.
You think that I'm calling you "gay" for no reason. That's wrong.
You think that for some reason, I'm trying to stop others from using the word "gay". That's wrong.

You're simply lost and confused.

No saying a fuckin game is gay is not immature
Callin people gay for no fuckin reason is immature i had a reason for callin u a fagget because u called me gay FOR NO APPARENT REASON
thats the immature fuckin part
Are you that fuckin stupid dude honestly
I said a game looks gay how in the hell does that make me immature
u startin this whole argument by callin me gay IS in fact immature but as for sayin a game looks gay meanin it doesn't look good is not immature and if u think it is then ur an idiot honestly and if i called other people gay and didnt like bein called gay yeah thats bein a hypocrite but as far as sayin a game looks gay and u callin me gay for no reason an me gettin pissed isn't hypocrisy
and yeah u callin me somethin for no reason at all makes me pissed so how is that bein a hypocrite
And yeah if u piss me off i'm gonna say something thats not bein a hypocrite either
Nothing you're even saying is making any sense Ur just trying to make urself sound smarter than u really are
Sayin a game looks gay isn't immature i'm sure plenty of damn people would back me up on that
And i think a lot of people's opinions are stupid on here but i never go off and call them gay for no reason therefore ur the immature one because OUT OF NOWHERE(once again) u call me gay
Then yes i did call u a fagget but i don't see how defendin myself makes me a fuckin hypocrite seriously man u need to read the shit ur sayin cuz its not make any sense
The word "gay" isn't immature
The use of the word "gay" directed as an attack towards me FOR NO REASON is in fact immature and shows what life u really have
Sayin a game looks gay means that it doesn't look interesting to me
U callin me gay means ur tryin to piss me off tryin to prove some point that don't even make sense because nobody was called gay in the first place i said that game looks gay how is "gay" childish and blunt?
The word "gay" isn't immature but the usage of the word to offend people is.(especially for no reason at all)