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No saying a fuckin game is gay is not immature
Callin people gay for no fuckin reason is immature i had a reason for callin u a fagget because u called me gay FOR NO APPARENT REASON
thats the immature fuckin part
Are you that fuckin stupid dude honestly
I said a game looks gay how in the hell does that make me immature
u startin this whole argument by callin me gay IS in fact immature but as for sayin a game looks gay meanin it doesn't look good is not immature and if u think it is then ur an idiot honestly and if i called other people gay and didnt like bein called gay yeah thats bein a hypocrite but as far as sayin a game looks gay and u callin me gay for no reason an me gettin pissed isn't hypocrisy
and yeah u callin me somethin for no reason at all makes me pissed so how is that bein a hypocrite
And yeah if u piss me off i'm gonna say something thats not bein a hypocrite either
Nothing you're even saying is making any sense Ur just trying to make urself sound smarter than u really are
Sayin a game looks gay isn't immature i'm sure plenty of damn people would back me up on that
And i think a lot of people's opinions are stupid on here but i never go off and call them gay for no reason therefore ur the immature one because OUT OF NOWHERE(once again) u call me gay
Then yes i did call u a fagget but i don't see how defendin myself makes me a fuckin hypocrite seriously man u need to read the shit ur sayin cuz its not make any sense
The word "gay" isn't immature
The use of the word "gay" directed as an attack towards me FOR NO REASON is in fact immature and shows what life u really have
Sayin a game looks gay means that it doesn't look interesting to me
U callin me gay means ur tryin to piss me off tryin to prove some point that don't even make sense because nobody was called gay in the first place i said that game looks gay how is "gay" childish and blunt?
The word "gay" isn't immature but the usage of the word to offend people is.(especially for no reason at all)