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Ok now let me recap
For me bein called gay and callin something gay
for 1 i said a VIDEOGAME looked gay
2 you said I was gay
ME and a VIDEOGAME are 2 completely different things
I never called anyone gay
I said a fuckin game looked gay
U out of nowhere posted sayin i was immature for sayin a videogame was gay
and i said how am i immature for sayin that
and u go on and type some essay shit trying to make u sound more intelligent than you really are
Then out of nowhere u call me gay
I get pissed and call u a fagget yeah
And u called me a hypocrite before i called u a fagget so u callin me a hypocrite before callin u a fagget makes no sense and yeah i get pissed if i get called gay for no apparent reason
I said a game was gay not a human being i wasn't hurting anything or anybody
A game doesn't have feelings and ur makin it seem like it does
Ur whole point basically makes no sense because ur sayin i can't say a videogame looks gay because i don't like to be called gay?
Once again a game doen't have feelings and cannot be harmed from me sayin it looks gay
Now if i called someone else gay this would make sense but i said A GAME LOOKS GAY
U went on this whole rambunctious speech that don't make any sense because a videogame doesn't have feelings(like u apparently think they do)
So 1.Callin someone gay for no reason at all yes is harmless a game no
2.I'm not immature for stating my opinion on a game i think don't look interesting
3.I'm not a hypocrite cuz i never said callin somebody a name isn't harmless