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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

badgenome said:
Tbone said:

So i see :) seems a difficult game also, rated quite high on pst. I´ll be looking out for it :)

It's a bit overrated in my opinion. I'm not through with Akumu yet, but I believe I've passed the most frustrating part, and I'd say it deserves no more than a 6. 7 at the absolute most. Really not that tough except for one or two randomly unfair parts. Someone like you can sleep walk through it!

Lol, like every other game i must learn it first actually.

Btw: Now with the share&play for ps4. means you can earn trophies for others. Will be hard to track that?.

Imo Sony should have disabled that feature.


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Anyone getting Lords of the Fallen ? I would like some feedback on it.

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

How do we look upon trophy helping through Share Play?
If it's approved, if someone would be willing to help me with some Death Mode levels in Sound Shapes I would be grateful!

PSN ID Filip_Kackiewicz.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

Tbone said:

Lol, like every other game i must learn it first actually.

It's pretty standard Mikami horror action stuff. Believe me, if my scrub ass can handle it, you will glide right through it without breaking a sweat.

Tbone said:
Arcana heart 3 platinum

Congrats, that's a tricky one. How much trouble did 'Atatata' and 'No, I expect you to die' give you? When that girl shouted in russian at the end of her super I was shouting victory along with her.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

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Weekly Update - October 28th, 2014

2014 Trophy League Season

Rank Previous Rank VGchartz Username PSN ID Points to Date Starting Points Increase
1 1 veritaz Faster55 15636 10308 5328
2 2 Esquoret Esquoret 11719 7773 3946
3 3 ghettoglamour GhettoGlamour 10630 7866 2764
4 4 HideoK  HideoK 16330 13709 2621
5 6 Wonktonodi WonkTonodi1 7600 5662 1938
6 5 Iveyboi Saugeen-Uwo 10462 8532 1930
7 7 fps_d0minat0r fps_d0minat0r 6154 4238 1916
8 8 fadetoone FadeToOne 11719 9822 1897
9 9 Miguel_Zorro Miguel_Zorro 6269 4438 1831
10 10 DarthVolod DarthVolod 5007 3234 1773
11 11 michael_stutzer tahsin_sutcuoglu 4782 3218 1564
12 12 Tbone DPatriot 7357 5864 1493
13 13 luizje Luizje050 2116 658 1458
14 14 jake_the_fake1 Destroyerz_knite 7930 6489 1441
15 15 Jboy0990 jboy0990 8040 6625 1415
16 16 KylieDog KylieDog 14388 13039 1349
17 17 Dark Odin  lebeau 18036 16760 1276
18 18 badgenome PublicSudoku 11443 10188 1255
19 19 dj2one TWO1FIVE 7524 6319 1205
20 21 JazzyJeez JazzyJiaz 10999 9829 1170
21 20 postofficebuddy postofficebuddy 5833 4677 1156
22 26 eFKac Filip_Kackiewicz 3183 2065 1118
23 22 Eindyien Eindyien 6967 5882 1085
24 23 mattbfg mattbfg 12595 11513 1082
25 24 ethomaz ethomaz 6522 5462 1060
26 25 Xenostar Xenostar 14098 13042 1056
27 27 maximus22 coximus22 5711 4735 976
28 33 Chevinator123 THE_CHEVINATOR 4401 3519 882
29 28 ail  Aildiin 9137 8268 869
30 32 finalrpgfantasy Edward-rpgfan 3257 2401 856
31 34 akuseru Troubl 4302 3449 853
32 31 sergiodaly SergioDaly 4850 4010 840
33 29 getrdone  getrdone25 11583 10749 834
34 30 Lafiel  Lafiel 3580 2752 828
35 35 Scisca Scisca 2499 1718 781
36 36 Arcturus  CityWokk 5026 4257 769
37 37 Blood_Tears Cold_Stare 5096 4365 731
38 38 docholliday docholliday03 11508 10787 721
39 39 arcane_chaos goldenmegazx 6323 5640 683
40 40 leatherhat Hatberserker 3400 2768 632
41 41 woj woj912 7449 6841 608
42 42 demonfox13 Onikenshi 4447 3855 592
43 43 spdk1 SPDK1 3243 2660 583
44 45 torok leotorok 1914 1353 561
45 44 MasterVG71782 Akimitsu782 9512 8952 560
46 46 mysticwolf SmashBro22 2013 1472 541
47 48 brute TB-ALBON 1704 1185 519
48 47 jadakiss1217 party29 2634 2124 510
49 50 naruball xena4ever 3724 3269 455
50 52 kivi95 Kivi95 5371 4921 450
51 49 RukiSama RukiSama 6684 6241 443
52 51 think-man vankwisha 4933 4491 442
53 54 Nanaki TurquiseNanaki 2354 1973 381
54 57 yum123 yenny10 3746 3366 380
55 53 Simulacrum Criminal916 2426 2048 378
56 55 Acevil Acevil 2636 2268 368
57 56 DareDareCaro DareDareCaro 5197 4838 359
58 96 d2wi Dracens 433 86 347
59 58 yakuzaIce  YakuzaIce 3891 3547 344
60 59 V-r0cK V-r0cK-Kun 4464 4129 335
61 60 SnakeDrake Snakehunter25 3303 2981 322
62 62 Wagram AnimasPaine 4571 4253 318
63 61 Ssenkahdavic Ssenkahdavic 1083 766 317
64 65 Branko2166 squall-23 3989 3680 309
65 63 Robbie2010 LogicOverAll 1801 1504 297
66 64 Ka-Pi96 Ka-Pi96 3321 3030 291
67 66 Joka_  JOKA_THE_SMOKA 1496 1222 274
68 67 Devil_Survivor Devil_Survivor69 741 481 260
69 68 binary solo binary_solo69 2043 1789 254
70 70 xstonexcold316x  SP3NCE1325 1831 1583 248
71 69 SnakeEyez  SnakeEyez 1713 1482 231
72 72 DamnTastic DamnTastic 2078 1850 228
73 71 sub-zero-TM TheSypherBoy7873 1754 1527 227
74 73 wenlan  WoLoCo 5802 5589 213
75 74 goodfella kassanowa07 3177 2965 212
76 75 A203D A203D 3956 3745 211
77 76 Fusioncode FusionCode 1083 872 211
78 77 cmeese47 cmeese47 7616 7409 207
79 78 COLD_COBRA_ ColdCobra_ 3280 3073 207
80 80 zuvuyeay Zuvuyeay 2190 1985 205
81 79 mjk45 mjk45 2266 2062 204
82 81 ruimartiniman danceintothefire 3815 3614 201
83 82 ultraslick  UltraslicK 4812 4624 188
84 84 Dgc1808 Detsuki-G 2631 2445 186
85 83 ThatGreekGuy Mitsos1311 1340 1155 185
86 85 Finnbar Gonff 2273 2103 170
87 86 MaxwellGT2000 maxwellgt2000 1012 842 170
88 89 Chark GT_168 4024 3877 147
89 87 weaveworld Weaveworld 856 719 137
90 88 perpride Darth-Cidius 1790 1657 133
91 90 bmaker11  BoilerMaker11 661 549 112
92 91 radiantshadow92 radiantshadow92 3784 3674 110
93 92 REDZONE REDZONE_313 1838 1734 104
94 93 dharh dharh 528 434 94
95 94 phinch1 phinch 2891 2799 92
96 95 zexen_lowe zexen47 944 852 92
97 97 Crystalchild Crystalchild 3916 3838 78
98 98 psrock  psrock1 321 247 74
99 99 yog-sothot yog-sothot 1353 1279 74
100 100 Mr_No jones_md 3065 3004 61
101 101 Stefl1504 Stefl1504 2191 2133 58
102 102 Fufinu Fufinu 1147 1092 55
103 103 Geo TheGeoKing 750 705 45
104 104 axumblade  Axumblade 2081 2043 38
105 105 Rainbow Yoshi Formula1Fanboy 362 330 32
106 106 rakugakist pulptarantino 1204 1173 31
107 107 homer power_hungryfool 1497 1469 28
108 108 Carl2291 CarlRushy 327 310 17
109 109 Gab gabeish 1735 1720 15
110 110 Corey Corza736 2121 2109 12
111 111 MDMAlliance anzolr 195 187 8
112 112 GhetooBillGates PERSIAN_CARTEL 2428 2424 4
113 113 Kantor LordElite 1396 1393 3
114 114 Conegamer conegamer 366 364 0

VGChartz Playstation Trophy Leaderboard

Rank Prev Rank VGchartz Username PSN ID Lvl Bronze Silver Gold Plat Total Points Plat Avg
1 1 Dark Odin lebeau 40 6192 2553 775 174 9694 18036 2.41
2 2 HideoK HideoK 37 6516 2177 658 126 9477 16330 1.77
3 3 veritaz Faster55 36 6480 2100 616 105 9301 15636 2.31
4 4 KylieDog KylieDog 34 5990 1661 558 144 8353 14388 2.00
5 5 Xenostar Xenostar 34 5982 1829 569 87 8467 14098 2.29
6 6 mattbfg mattbfg 32 5347 1533 463 117 7460 12595 1.00
7 11 Esquoret Esquoret 30 4129 1602 495 118 6344 11719 1.29
8 7 fadetoone FadeToOne 30 5713 1404 399 67 7583 11719 2.00
9 8 getrdone getrdone25 30 4961 1379 458 93 6891 11583  - 
10 9 docholliday docholliday03 30 4282 1513 462 119 6376 11508 1.00
11 10 badgenome PublicSudoku 30 5017 1311 416 109 6853 11443 2.15
12 12 JazzyJeez JazzyJiaz 29 5585 1348 357 48 7338 10999 1.34
13 13 ghettoglamour GhettoGlamour 29 4710 1268 414 75 6467 10630 1.37
14 14 Iveyboi Saugeen-Uwo 28 6290 1144 272 21 7727 10462 1.93
15 15 MasterVG71782 Akimitsu782 27 3952 1145 381 82 5560 9512  - 
16 16 ail Aildiin 26 3945 1129 313 88 5475 9137 2.00
17 17 Jboy0990 jboy0990 25 3216 954 338 74 4582 8040 3.08
18 18 jake_the_fake1 Destroyerz_knite 24 3270 899 331 73 4573 7930 2.67
19 19 cmeese47 cmeese47 24 3848 912 264 30 5054 7616 2.14
20 20 Wonktonodi WonkTonodi1 24 3122 898 317 65 4402 7600 2.20
21 21 dj2one TWO1FIVE 24 3794 923 224 45 4986 7524 2.50
22 22 woj woj912 23 3389 908 276 49 4622 7449 2.20
23 23 Tbone Dpatriot 23 3033 848 276 81 4238 7357 2.00
24 24 Eindyien Eindyien 23 2995 837 245 69 4146 6967 1.26
25 25 RukiSama RukiSama 22 3224 776 232 43 4275 6684 1.90
26 26 ethomaz ethomaz 22 2396 878 275 60 3609 6522 2.20
27 27 arcane_chaos goldenmegazx 21 3269 789 176 35 4269 6323 1.75
28 28 Miguel_Zorro Miguel_Zorro 21 2337 919 255 47 3558 6269  - 
29 29 fps_d0minat0r fps_d0minat0r 21 2524 723 242 61 3550 6154 1.82
30 30 postofficebuddy postofficebuddy 20 2571 686 255 30 3542 5833 2.94
31 31 wenlan WoLoCo 20 2224 769 246 47 3286 5802  - 
32 32 maximus22 coximus22 20 2537 681 226 38 3482 5711 2.22
33 33 kivi95 Kivi95 20 2855 637 165 21 3678 5371 2.29
34 34 DareDareCaro DareDareCaro 19 2253 626 182 50 3111 5197 2
35 35 Blood_Tears Cold_Stare 19 2594 600 179 19 3392 5096 2.32
36 36 Arcturus CityWokk 19 2464 636 163 26 3289 5026 1.84
37 37 DarthVolod DarthVolod 19 1319 992 200 42 2553 5007 1.55
38 38 think-man vankwisha 19 2609 517 167 24 3317 4933 2
39 39 sergiodaly SergioDaly 19 2218 524 186 39 2967 4850  - 
40 40 ultraslick UltraslicK 19 2266 562 157 40 3025 4812 1.93
41 41 michael_stutzer tahsin_sutcuoglu 18 2270 620 158 27 3075 4782 2.00
42 42 Wagram AnimasPaine 18 1875 550 168 49 2642 4571 2.00
43 43 V-r0cK V-r0cK-Kun 18 2136 471 153 39 2799 4464 2.20
44 44 demonfox13 Onikenshi 18 2427 524 122 20 3093 4447 2.00
45 45 Chevinator123 THE_CHEVINATOR 18 2209 526 150 20 2905 4401 1.67
46 46 akuseru Troubl 18 1962 450 164 38 2614 4302 1.91
47 47 Chark GT_168 17 1740 518 154 27 2439 4024 1.5
48 48 Branko2166 squall-23 17 1765 434 164 31 2394 3989 2.27
49 49 A203D A203D 17 1642 461 154 39 2296 3956 2.31
50 50 Crystalchild Crystalchild 17 2048 457 115 22 2642 3916 1.94
51 51 yakuzaIce YakuzaIce 17 1707 438 148 35 2328 3891 1.93
52 52 ruimartiniman danceintothefire 17 2309 462 93 2 2866 3815 2.03
53 53 radiantshadow92 radiantshadow92 17 1920 440 126 19 2505 3784 2.60
54 54 yum123 yenny10 17 2068 446 111 10 2635 3746 1.89
55 55 naruball xena4ever 16 2130 440 101 9 2680 3724 1.81
56 56 Lafiel Lafiel 16 1820 421 123 15 2379 3580 1.83
57 57 leatherhat Hatberserker 16 1944 371 93 13 2421 3400 1.90
58 58 Ka-pi96 Ka-Pi96 16 1405 505 103 24 2037 3321 2.3
59 59 SnakeDrake Snakehunter25 16 1957 379 84 7 2427 3303 2.33
60 60 COLD_COBRA_ ColdCobra_ 16 1548 359 115 27 2049 3280 1.89
61 62 finalrpgfantasy Edward-rpgfan 16 1661 366 90 27 2144 3257 1.60
62 61 spdk1 SPDK1 16 1543 385 129 13 2070 3243 1.50
63 65 eFKac Filip_Kackiewicz 15 1455 429 115 15 2014 3183 2
64 63 goodfella kassanowa07 15 1507 364 111 23 2005 3177 2.13
65 64 Mr_No jones_md 15 1667 363 76 18 2124 3065 1.92
66 66 phinch1 phinch 15 1745 306 77 6 2134 2891 2.00
67 67 Acevil Acevil 14 1458 322 61 14 1855 2636 1.85
68 68 jadakiss1217 party29 14 1436 269 80 15 1800 2634 1.00
69 69 Dgc1808 Detsuki-G 14 1341 345 68 16 1770 2631 2.00
70 70 Scisca Scisca 14 1099 358 78 18 1553 2499 2.15
71 71 GhetooBillGates PERSIAN_CARTEL 14 1310 298 69 9 1686 2428 1.73
72 72 Simulacrum Criminal916 14 1406 306 62 3 1777 2426 1.67
73 73 Nanaki TurquiseNanaki 14 1262 258 64 16 1600 2354 1.83
74 74 Finnbar Gonff 14 1391 249 56 4 1700 2273 3.57
75 75 mjk45 mjk45 14 1572 218 39 2 1831 2266 1.83
76 76 Stefl1504 Stefl1504 14 1487 190 50 2 1729 2191  - 
77 77 zuvuyeay Zuvuyeay 14 1092 285 68 10 1455 2190 1.95
78 78 Corey Corza736 13 1307 233 48 5 1593 2121 1.90
79 79 luizje Luizje050 13 728 361 79 16 1184 2116 2.11
80 80 axumblade Axumblade 13 1191 223 58 8 1480 2081 2.13
81 81 DamnTastic DamnTastic 13 1216 197 66 6 1485 2078 1.79
82 82 binary solo binary_solo69 13 1053 258 61 9 1381 2043 1.48
83 83 mysticwolf SmashBro22 13 1271 212 39 7 1529 2013 1.71
84 84 torok leotorok 13 1254 189 37 5 1485 1914 2.03
85 85 REDZONE REDZONE_313 13 1060 215 42 8 1325 1838 1.60
86 86 xstonexcold316x SP3NCE1325 13 1075 234 44 2 1355 1831 2.33
87 87 Robbie2010 LogicOverAll 13 929 238 58 4 1229 1801 1.86
88 88 perpride Darth-Cidius 13 966 211 49 9 1235 1790 1.00
89 89 sub-zero-TM TheSypherBoy7873 13 1070 180 44 5 1299 1754 1.31
90 90 Gab gabeish 13 857 256 45 8 1166 1735 1.57
91 91 SnakeEyez SnakeEyez 13 997 217 41 3 1258 1713 2.25
92 92 brute TB-ALBON 13 770 224 59 11 1064 1704 2.00
93 93 homer power_hungryfool 12 827 179 40 6 1052 1497 2.32
94 94 Joka_ JOKA_THE_SMOKA 12 872 153 41 6 1072 1496 2.00
95 95 Kantor LordElite 12 842 175 28 3 1048 1396 2.00
96 96 yog-sothot yog-sothot 12 721 181 35 5 942 1353 1.67
97 97 ThatGreekGuy Mitsos1311 12 804 169 29 2 1004 1340 2.00
98 98 rakugakist pulptarantino 12 556 126 46 10 738 1204 2.35
99 99 Fufinu Fufinu 12 735 110 24 4 873 1147 2.00
100 100 Ssenkahdavic Ssenkahdavic 12 671 107 25 4 807 1083 1.75
101 101 Fusioncode FusionCode 12 659 110 28 3 800 1083 2.03
102 102 MaxwellGT2000 maxwellgt2000 11 684 110 16 1 811 1012 1.78
103 103 zexen_lowe zexen47 11 610 101 18 2 731 944 2.36
104 104 weaveworld Weaveworld 10 502 105 18 3 628 856 1.67
105 105 Geo TheGeoKing 9 348 105 26 3 482 750 1.84
106 106 Devil_Survivor Devil_Survivor69 9 439 73 18 4 534 741 1.74
107 107 bmaker11 BoilerMaker11 8 501 65 5 0 571 661 1.81
108 108 dharh dharh 7 382 49 8 0 439 528 1.67
109 114 d2wi Dracens 5 129 110 14 0 253 433 1.65
110 109 Conegamer conegamer 6 214 46 10 0 270 366 1.83
111 110 Rainbow Yoshi Formula1Fanboy 6 266 27 7 0 300 362 1.78
112 111 Carl2291 CarlRushy 6 179 50 6 1 236 327 2.20
113 112 psrock psrock1 6 257 20 4 0 281 321 1.50
114 113 MDMAlliance anzolr 5 105 15 8 1 129 195 1.60

Platinum Leaderboard

VGchartz Username PSN ID Platinum Count Platinum Points Plat Difficulty Avg
KylieDog KylieDog 144 329 2.28
Dark Odin lebeau 174 315 1.81
HideoK HideoK 126 239 1.90
Tbone Dpatriot 81 238 2.94
Esquoret Esquoret 118 232 1.97
mattbfg mattbfg 117 225 1.92
badgenome PublicSudoku 109 213 1.95
docholliday docholliday03 119 211 1.77
ail Aildiin 88 203 2.31
getrdone getrdone25 93 186 2.00
MasterVG71782 Akimitsu782 82 164 2.00
Eindyien Eindyien 69 158 2.29
veritaz Faster55 105 158 1.50
Jboy0990 jboy0990 74 150 2.03
Xenostar Xenostar 87 139 1.60
ethomaz ethomaz 60 137 2.28
jake_the_fake1 Destroyerz_knite 73 137 1.88
fadetoone FadeToOne 67 123 1.84
ghettoglamour GhettoGlamour 75 120 1.60
fps_d0minat0r fps_d0minat0r 61 114 1.87

Busiest Members

VGchartz Username PSN ID Pts This Week Pts Last Week Increase
Esquoret Esquoret 11719 11372 347
d2wi Dracens 433 165 268
veritaz Faster55 15636 15379 257
ghettoglamour GhettoGlamour 10630 10472 158
eFKac Filip_Kackiewicz 3183 3048 135
HideoK HideoK 16330 16197 133
fps_d0minat0r fps_d0minat0r 6154 6057 97
fadetoone FadeToOne 11719 11628 91
Chevinator123 THE_CHEVINATOR 4401 4327 74
Wonktonodi WonkTonodi1 7600 7533 67

Platinum Trophies Earned

docholliday Dust: An Elysian Tail
Tbone Arcana Heart 3
finalrpgfantasy DmC Devil May Cry
Esquoret MiNi NiNJAS
fadetoone The Lego Movie Videogame
veritaz Heavy Fire: Afghanistan
veritaz Dust: An Elysian Tail
veritaz The Legend of Korra
fps_d0minat0r Resistance: Burning Skies
ghettoglamour Need for Speed: Rivals
ghettoglamour Minecraft
ghettoglamour Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale (Vita)
HideoK The Walking Dead
Jboy0990 The Last of Us
Branko2166 Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
brute Uncharted 3: Drake''s Deception
akuseru Fallout 3

postofficebuddy said:
Tbone said:
Arcana heart 3 platinum

Congrats, that's a tricky one. How much trouble did 'Atatata' and 'No, I expect you to die' give you? When that girl shouted in russian at the end of her super I was shouting victory along with her.

To tell the truth. I didn´t have that much trouble. Both of those trophies took me like 1 hour each to complete.

Was more annoyed by all the illustrations trophy, had to do critcial heart with many characters. 

Clarice was pain.


So Playstation is going to allow share and play, seems only thing to do since you can´t really tell who got the trophy and who didn´t.

Wonder how it will be here, or the league best of being closed???


Tbone said:
So Playstation is going to allow share and play, seems only thing to do since you can´t really tell who got the trophy and who didn´t.

Wonder how it will be here, or the league best of being closed???

It will only work for people with very good connections on both sides. Even then, there will be quite a bit of button response lag. I don't see it being useful for difficult trophies.

SharePlay doesn't really matter. I mean I can ask a friend in real-life to come to my house and play parts of a game for me to earn trophies, and no one would be able to tell. SharePlay is the same idea, just done online.

My website: Precocious Ragamuffin