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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

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Arcturus said:

I just spent this past week teaching myself Python and developing a web scraping script to gather data from PSNProfiles. All of this was done under the faulty assumption that profiles tracked on the site were updated at least once a week. This isn't the case for every profile though. Some appear to update on a weekly basis, and others can go months without updating.

It's not a huge loss though, as I've developed another script that gathers data from the PSN friends page on page. It just requires a few extra manual steps (logging in to each account and saving the page locally), but overall it's a huge time saver.

Yeah I was thinking there was a link to update a specific profile, but looks like that might just be for your own user if you are logged in.  Looks like the front page way of submitting an ID to update might be a bit more convoluted.

Up to rank 29!
wenlan you're next. mwuhauhahahahahahaha

As for my rarest trophy, its modnation legend (platinum trophy) on PS vita at 0.97% ultra rate.

Its so easy, but very time consuming and you will HAVE to boost online a bit like littlebigplanet play for plays... except a lot more times and with longer download times.

My rarest trophy. #2f2f2f;" src=""> Los Santos Legend
Grand Theft Auto V


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fps_d0minat0r said:
finalrpgfantasy said:
Just got the plat. trophy for Playstation all-stars battle royale. Fastest platinum trophy I've ever gotten.

I'm playing on vita and I gave up shortly after not being able to get the combo trophy =/

Do you know the easiest character to do it with? otherwise I'll have to reinstall without patches and do it the easy way.

Big daddy is the best character for that.  


Combo Virtuoso 
Land a 70+ AP Combo in Practice Mode

Now your first thought is probably: 70 AP? WHAAAAAT? Now hold your horses, this trophy is very easy. Because it is in Practice mode, you can make the AP gain higher than usual, which is integral. With that out of the way, you can pretty much use any character to do this. One of my personal favorites is throwing all the enemies in a corner and using Big Daddy's + on all the defenseless enemies to gain 120 AP. Of course, you can use combo-heavy characters like Raiden too. Hitting multiple enemies with also give more AP. The trophy is yours when you can do a combo that nets 70 AP.

Thanks for the update!
Almost up one place, just 1 point short!

My rarest trophy is "Tales Wizard" Pinball Arcade 1.01%

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

My rarest is "ModNation™ Legend" 0.97%

finalrpgfantasy said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
finalrpgfantasy said:
Just got the plat. trophy for Playstation all-stars battle royale. Fastest platinum trophy I've ever gotten.

I'm playing on vita and I gave up shortly after not being able to get the combo trophy =/

Do you know the easiest character to do it with? otherwise I'll have to reinstall without patches and do it the easy way.

Big daddy is the best character for that.  


Combo Virtuoso 
Land a 70+ AP Combo in Practice Mode

Now your first thought is probably: 70 AP? WHAAAAAT? Now hold your horses, this trophy is very easy. Because it is in Practice mode, you can make the AP gain higher than usual, which is integral. With that out of the way, you can pretty much use any character to do this. One of my personal favorites is throwing all the enemies in a corner and using Big Daddy's + on all the defenseless enemies to gain 120 AP. Of course, you can use combo-heavy characters like Raiden too. Hitting multiple enemies with also give more AP. The trophy is yours when you can do a combo that nets 70 AP.

Thanks for the tip, but I was refering to the combo training trophy. I ended up getting it with ratchet.
