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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Down to 2 trophies for Trine 2 complete. All the XP and all the levels on hard with hardcore. I have 10 Levels left on on hardcore and 3 levels left for XP too bad 2 of them have over 200 on the levels. Though if I do pull it off before the next update that would be three plats in one update :P)

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Infamous First Light plat. Very easy really, but it's a fine game, especially for that price.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

I finished Watchdogs plat last week in time to capitalize on $42 trade in value. The Social Lubricant trophy had me worried but wasnt too bad after I realized for like 2 hours I was convinced the inputs were reversed when they werent yet that was my stipid mistake.

Was a shame I chose to do the hack songs trophy last though left a bad taste in my mouth overall of the game as it was the stupidest luck based trophy I think I have ever come across in actual time prob took about and hour but an hour of just running around scanning random NPC's looking for one song felt like it took days.

I'm now going after the Black Flag, TLOU Remastered, and Rayman Legend Plats

Grid 2's MP is beyond dead at this point if not completely shut down I could not even connect to a server so finished almost all the single player trophies and deleted from hard drive. Pretty much decided to just finish my last gen games dont think I'm going to go for platinum on any of them at this point. Thought about Bioshock Infinite but totally expect a remastered version at some point so will prob do it than.

Going for the plat in dark souls. 4 kings in ng+ had me worried, but I beat them solo last night. Only tough one now will be gwynn. Hopefully there will be someone to summon at sl 116 or so.

dj2one said:
I finished Watchdogs plat last week in time to capitalize on $42 trade in value. The Social Lubricant trophy had me worried but wasnt too bad after I realized for like 2 hours I was convinced the inputs were reversed when they werent yet that was my stipid mistake.

Was a shame I chose to do the hack songs trophy last though left a bad taste in my mouth overall of the game as it was the stupidest luck based trophy I think I have ever come across in actual time prob took about and hour but an hour of just running around scanning random NPC's looking for one song felt like it took days.

I'm now going after the Black Flag, TLOU Remastered, and Rayman Legend Plats

Grid 2's MP is beyond dead at this point if not completely shut down I could not even connect to a server so finished almost all the single player trophies and deleted from hard drive. Pretty much decided to just finish my last gen games dont think I'm going to go for platinum on any of them at this point. Thought about Bioshock Infinite but totally expect a remastered version at some point so will prob do it than.

In Watchdogs, did you have any trouble with the Traced trophy (the one where you need 5 people to tail you)? I was reading that some people are having trouble with this one.

I've put in a decent number of hours in free roam and don't think I have ever had someone tailing me, although I can't say for sure.

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I have a new method for collecting everyone's trophy data, and I'm going to test it out for the first time tonight. Hope it works as it will save me a lot of time performing the update each week!

If you want your latest trophy data to be in this week's update, be sure to update your profile on before I perform the weekly update in the next few hours. No worries if you can't as psnprofiles updates everyone's profile automatically on a weekly basis.

Ka-pi96 said:
Arcturus said:

In Watchdogs, did you have any trouble with the Traced trophy (the one where you need 5 people to tail you)? I was reading that some people are having trouble with this one.

I've put in a decent number of hours in free roam and don't think I have ever had someone tailing me, although I can't say for sure.

The traced one is just them following you, so if they are succesful you shouldn't notice they were ever in your game. If you try and hack someone else, win or lose, you are then temporarily more likely for someone else to come into your game. You'll know if they are there if the game world keeps moving when you go into the pause menu.

It seems like a simple trophy that should be earned naturally from playing the game, but there are a few threads over at discussing the trophy and the trouble they've experienced earning it, even after playing the game for hours and earning every other trophy. Some people were even leaving their consoles idle for hours hoping that other players would be connected to them to tail them.

Ka-pi96 said:

I did it on Xbox but it was one of the last ones I got. Never had anyone follow me before I started intentionally going for it, using that method though I got it within about 30 mins. I wouldn't think it would have been patched or anything so it should still work.

Reset your online skill points, follow someone else and fail on purpose to make it quick, then within a few minutes of leaving their game you should get someone following you. Repeat until the trophy pops.

Yeah, I got to the point where every time I finished an online trace/hack, I hid somewhere and waited for the first odd looking thing to happen, and take the guy out before he even found me.  The game was pretty consistent like that.

Arcturus said:

Yeah I've often wondered how sites like PSNprofiles gathers its data, considering the number of people they track and the frequency in which they update their data.

KylieDog had an interesting though a few pages back - create a web scraping script to grab trophy data from PSNprofiles. My knowledge is limited in this field but it seems like it would be fairly easy to do:

1. Read list of users from a txt or csv file
2. Navigate to
3. Scrape trophy data from page source. For example:

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each other user.
5. Output all data to csv or xls file.

I would love to attempt writing a script like this, but I don't know where to start.

Does anyone have any good resources for creating simple web scraping scripts for beginners?

That would work... the worry there is that PSNProfiles doesn't generally have the most up to date info.  I've noticed mine updates automatically sometimes, but other times not.  It's possible the script could kick off the update process, I guess.

The script I had made might be a good starting point, if either of us can find it.

Arcturus said:
dj2one said:
I finished Watchdogs plat last week in time to capitalize on $42 trade in value. The Social Lubricant trophy had me worried but wasnt too bad after I realized for like 2 hours I was convinced the inputs were reversed when they werent yet that was my stipid mistake.

Was a shame I chose to do the hack songs trophy last though left a bad taste in my mouth overall of the game as it was the stupidest luck based trophy I think I have ever come across in actual time prob took about and hour but an hour of just running around scanning random NPC's looking for one song felt like it took days.

I'm now going after the Black Flag, TLOU Remastered, and Rayman Legend Plats

Grid 2's MP is beyond dead at this point if not completely shut down I could not even connect to a server so finished almost all the single player trophies and deleted from hard drive. Pretty much decided to just finish my last gen games dont think I'm going to go for platinum on any of them at this point. Thought about Bioshock Infinite but totally expect a remastered version at some point so will prob do it than.

In Watchdogs, did you have any trouble with the Traced trophy (the one where you need 5 people to tail you)? I was reading that some people are having trouble with this one.

I've put in a decent number of hours in free roam and don't think I have ever had someone tailing me, although I can't say for sure.

Yeah that one popped for me randomly but the more online you participate in the more likely you are to have someone enter your game it popped for me after I had done maybe like three four hours of online missions going for the related trophies. That would be a really annoying final trophy though as you have no control over it.