dj2one said: I finished Watchdogs plat last week in time to capitalize on $42 trade in value. The Social Lubricant trophy had me worried but wasnt too bad after I realized for like 2 hours I was convinced the inputs were reversed when they werent yet that was my stipid mistake. Was a shame I chose to do the hack songs trophy last though left a bad taste in my mouth overall of the game as it was the stupidest luck based trophy I think I have ever come across in actual time prob took about and hour but an hour of just running around scanning random NPC's looking for one song felt like it took days. I'm now going after the Black Flag, TLOU Remastered, and Rayman Legend Plats Grid 2's MP is beyond dead at this point if not completely shut down I could not even connect to a server so finished almost all the single player trophies and deleted from hard drive. Pretty much decided to just finish my last gen games dont think I'm going to go for platinum on any of them at this point. Thought about Bioshock Infinite but totally expect a remastered version at some point so will prob do it than. |
In Watchdogs, did you have any trouble with the Traced trophy (the one where you need 5 people to tail you)? I was reading that some people are having trouble with this one.
I've put in a decent number of hours in free roam and don't think I have ever had someone tailing me, although I can't say for sure.