oooh yeeaaah. +5 ranks, like a boss.
Tbone said: Still ahead of Esquoret at plat leaderboard :p |
Yah. You'll likely overtake mattbfg first before I get closer to you. Each game you finish your points go up by 3 to 5 stars...hard to catch up to!
My website: Precocious Ragamuffin
Esquoret said:
Yah. You'll likely overtake mattbfg first before I get closer to you. Each game you finish your points go up by 3 to 5 stars...hard to catch up to! |
You will probably catch me the way you rank up platinums. Also i have started to play more and more psn games.
KylieDog said: On holiday for two weeks tomorrow, tempted to take my Vita. |
Have fun :) btw Resident evil code veronica X, any good? for 7 euros
Mutant Mudds and Echochrome 100%. Echochrome is a pretty interesting puzzle game. Ugh, still have 15 hours of grinding left to do in UMVC3 online. Anyone with a turbo controller willing to help me overnight?
Just got a PS4! Great machine, I love how fast everything is. Going to store takes half a second, on the PS3 it was like 15 seconds :). I have 10 games from plus and also downloaded Warframe, I guess I won't spend any money on games for some time since I am practically broke at the moment.
Though I have to say, I was a bit disappointed with the Resogun, in half an hour I completed all the chapters. There was like 5 chapters. Good game but lacks content. Big time.
Arcturus said:
I don't mantain the individual lists anymore, but the totals in the Platinum List are accurate. MANUELF is still the only one with the plat for Tales of Symphonia 2. |
Thanks for the update arcturus, hopefully this week I get to play some ps3 games
And it seems that Im the only one who has the platinum for Tales of Symphonia 2 and One Piece pirate warriors 2 on here so yay for that
Had a glitch with the Batman Arkham Origins Cold, Cold Heart DLC. The trophy for scanning all the anarky tags didn't unlock. I finished scanning them after beating the final boss and I read that some people have had issues and that maybe the best way to get the trophy to unlock is to scan them all before the end game. Won't bother replaying it unless I have nothing else to play.
I have too big of a backlog to try and platinum most of my games, but some I do try for
Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.
Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash
Esquoret said:
Yah. You'll likely overtake mattbfg first before I get closer to you. Each game you finish your points go up by 3 to 5 stars...hard to catch up to! |
Esquoret, you're getting really close to passing me on the platinum leaderboard too. Only 18 points away! (Right now I'm including 1 extra point because I just got The Wolf Among Us plat and Arcturus hasn't updated yet) and I'm also assuming you didn't get any plats this week. That's probably a very bad assumption! Haha I bet you got at least 2-3 points.