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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Esquoret said:
Tbone said:
Esquoret said:
Achieved 94% completion rate!
(My goal is 95%.)

Great job. aiming for 90% myself.

When you plat a new game (ones without DLCs), how much does your % go up by?

Currently mine only goes up by 0.04% or 0.05%. It used to be 0.08% when I started paying attention before, but it becomes slower when the completion % goes up.

Fastest way is to get the trophies for DLCs of games that are already on my list.

No clue. Ive been thinking going back to some of my games. It means though i have to buy the game once again and its dlc.

And i really don´t wanna do that so i think i´m just gonna focus on getting 100% on mine recent and new games. Eventualy it will go to 90% completion :)


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Looks like I need to get in on this action.

NobleTeam360 said:
Looks like I need to get in on this action.

Yeah me too, my 4 plats can compete. 

iceland said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Looks like I need to get in on this action.

Yeah me too, my 4 plats can compete. 

Ha, my 0 plats totally wreck you 4 plats...... oh wait they don't lol xD

I would also join but, eh. I'm not really good enough at getting trophies (read:don't have the time) to really shine


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Esquoret said:
Tbone said:
Esquoret said:
Achieved 94% completion rate!
(My goal is 95%.)

Great job. aiming for 90% myself.

When you plat a new game (ones without DLCs), how much does your % go up by?

Currently mine only goes up by 0.04% or 0.05%. It used to be 0.08% when I started paying attention before, but it becomes slower when the completion % goes up.

Fastest way is to get the trophies for DLCs of games that are already on my list.

Are you going to go back and start playing DLC for older games on your list? That should make a bigger impact then adding another game to 100%. Just reached my goal to get back above 80%. My next goal is 10,000 trophies... only 1,170 more to go! It's going to take a while though as I'm not planning on playing a lot of new games this year.

Did you unlock the Deja Vu and Jamais Vu missions in Ground Zero's yet? I really enjoyed the Jamais Vu mission.

HideoK said:
Esquoret said:
Tbone said:
Esquoret said:
Achieved 94% completion rate!
(My goal is 95%.)

Great job. aiming for 90% myself.


Are you going to go back and start playing DLC for older games on your list? That should make a bigger impact then adding another game to 100%. Just reached my goal to get back above 80%. My next goal is 10,000 trophies... only 1,170 more to go! It's going to take a while though as I'm not planning on playing a lot of new games this year.

I don´t think so, but u never know. I don´t have any of those older games left, and the dlc cost too much.


HideoK said:
Did you unlock the Deja Vu and Jamais Vu missions in Ground Zero's yet? I really enjoyed the Jamais Vu mission.

Yeah, I just unlocked the two missions and completed the Deja Vu one yesterday. I failed the quiz at the end though :( It's been a while since I've played Metal Gear Solid.

I'll have to try out the Jamais Vu mission tonight.

Ugh, Mercenary Kings is such an annoying grind. Almost done though.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4