Thanks for the update.
Starting to get hooked to hotline miami even though im dying a lot.
Thanks for the update.
Starting to get hooked to hotline miami even though im dying a lot.
fps_d0minat0r said: Thanks for the update. Starting to get hooked to hotline miami even though im dying a lot. |
- Yep, the music really zones you in.
-Yep, part of the fun, I died at least over 2000 times, although you only need 1000 deaths for a trophy.
@Arcturus - Thanks for the update.
Thanks for the update Arcturus.
What games are you playing lately? Haven't seen you online much.
For the rest of the year I am curious about a couple more games. They are not definite purchases yet by any means.
1) The Evil Within - still has my interest despite some bad previews.
2) Evolve - looks really cool, I just feel that online only games don't hold my attention as much as a great single player game.
3) Shadow of Mordor - looks good, but when was the last great LOTR game... I really liked the strategy Battle for Middle Earth games on PC.
4) Alien Isolation - holds promise...
5) Diablo: Reaper Edition - will probably pick this up since I never played it on PC.
6) Call of Duty Advanced Warfare and Assassins Creed Unity -Didn't play the last entry in either, kind of over those series due to the devs milking it every year. AC3 was the last I played in the AC series so still a bad taste after that. I should probably give Black Flag a shot.
7) Dragon Age Inquisition - never played the Dragon Age franchise
8) Mass Effect Trilogy - if this comes to PS4 I will likely buy since i never played the 3rd one.
But most of my excitement for games lie in 2015.
Day 1 buys are: Uncharted 4, MGS V: The Phantom Pain, Arkham Knight, The Order, Witcher 3, Dying Light, and Quantic Dream's Singularity. If Final Fantasy XV has a great story I'm all in. Haven't played a Final Fantasy since XIII. Hope Resident Evil 7 is being worked on also.
What game are you guys most excited for on PS4 this year and next?
HideoK said: Thanks for the update Arcturus. What games are you playing lately? Haven't seen you online much. |
Yeah, it's been a rather busy couple of weeks and I haven't had much time to play. I finished up Stick of Truth last week. Got Puppeteer and PixelJunk Shooter from PS+ that I'll play next. I still need to pick up inFamous Second Son, MGS5 Ground Zeros, and Watch Dogs at some point.
Recently, prices in Canada for most new games shot up to $69 plus tax (up from $59). Makes me less inclined to purchase games at launch. I've started waiting for a decent price cut before I pick up a new game.
HideoK said: For the rest of the year I am curious about a couple more games. They are not definite purchases yet by any means. 1) The Evil Within - still has my interest despite some bad previews. 2) Evolve - looks really cool, I just feel that online only games don't hold my attention as much as a great single player game. 3) Shadow of Mordor - looks good, but when was the last great LOTR game... I really liked the strategy Battle for Middle Earth games on PC. 4) Alien Isolation - holds promise... 5) Diablo: Reaper Edition - will probably pick this up since I never played it on PC. 6) Call of Duty Advanced Warfare and Assassins Creed Unity -Didn't play the last entry in either, kind of over those series due to the devs milking it every year. AC3 was the last I played in the AC series so still a bad taste after that. I should probably give Black Flag a shot. 7) Dragon Age Inquisition - never played the Dragon Age franchise 8) Mass Effect Trilogy - if this comes to PS4 I will likely buy since i never played the 3rd one. But most of my excitement for games lie in 2015. Day 1 buys are: Uncharted 4, MGS V: The Phantom Pain, Arkham Knight, The Order, Witcher 3, Dying Light, and Quantic Dream's Singularity. If Final Fantasy XV has a great story I'm all in. Haven't played a Final Fantasy since XIII. Hope Resident Evil 7 is being worked on also. What game are you guys most excited for on PS4 this year and next? |
I am planning to buy a PS4 toward the end of the year and all my interests so far are RPGs.
The title I am interested in :
- Dragon Age Inquisition
- Shadows of Mordor
- Diablo : reaper of souls ( not sure if I get this on PS3 or PS4, I already paid for D3 on PC and PS3 I am not sure I want to pay another full price on the PS4).
- Witcher 3
- The Order.
My only issue is that I stll have a huge PS3 backlog .
I am currently playind AC3.
In my backlog are :
- AC 4
- Dishonored
- Infamous 2
- Batman Arkham City
- L.A.Noire
+ a dozen free titles I downloaded from PS+ ( Infamous, Tomb Raider reboot, Metro last light, Hitman absolution, Remember me, Deux Ex human revolution, Bioshock 2)
and I will buy Dark Souls 2..
I checked the PS+ wikipedia page today and was amazed to see we have received 141 free PS3 games, 42 free Vita games, and 9 free PS4 games at this point. 192 free games total. I've added nearly every single one to my download list, even if I've already played it.
It's been totally worth the price for PS+. The hardest part is keeping up!!
HideoK said: I checked the PS+ wikipedia page today and was amazed to see we have received 141 free PS3 games, 42 free Vita games, and 9 free PS4 games at this point. 192 free games total. I've added nearly every single one to my download list, even if I've already played it. |
Totally agree, been a member since day one... started off a bit slow but then it started raining down mad games.
Despite owning some games on disc I loved having and playing the digial versions...try to not wear down my disc drive cause games like Uncharted and Last of US thrash the fuck out of the disc drive and I don't want my phat 80GB to die on me...knock on wood.
Just Platinumed Wolfenstien the new order, took me about 4 days, mad game. Now I'm gonna play some Murder Soul far the reviews have the game at mediocre, users on forums are saying it's shit, while very few say they liked it. All I can say is that enjoyed the fuck out of Deadly premonitions, that game looked like an early PS2 game on PS3, clunky as controls, funky characters and narrative, and wonky voice acting and yet I friggin loved the's like watching The Room, it's terrible...but terribly entertaining, so if I can get something like this out of Murder soul suspect, then the $100 Aussie dollars I spent on it would be worth the entertainment value I get, if all else fails...I'll trade the sucker in for Watch dogs XD
KylieDog said: Just a heads up for anyone thinking of upgrading SSFIV to resets your online rankings and has no way to 'downgrade' to another version like SSFIVAE let you downgrade to SSFIV. All my C to shining C progress lost :( I had like 5 characters to go... |
Damm, that sucks. Noticed it though when i got it. Dlc is not worth it imo. Characters and stages are just copy and paste from Sfxtk
Got GTAV platinum also. Didn´t thought i would get it actually.