HideoK said: I checked the PS+ wikipedia page today and was amazed to see we have received 141 free PS3 games, 42 free Vita games, and 9 free PS4 games at this point. 192 free games total. I've added nearly every single one to my download list, even if I've already played it. |
Totally agree, been a member since day one... started off a bit slow but then it started raining down mad games.
Despite owning some games on disc I loved having and playing the digial versions...try to not wear down my disc drive cause games like Uncharted and Last of US thrash the fuck out of the disc drive and I don't want my phat 80GB to die on me...knock on wood.
Just Platinumed Wolfenstien the new order, took me about 4 days, mad game. Now I'm gonna play some Murder Soul Suspect...so far the reviews have the game at mediocre, users on forums are saying it's shit, while very few say they liked it. All I can say is that enjoyed the fuck out of Deadly premonitions, that game looked like an early PS2 game on PS3, clunky as controls, funky characters and narrative, and wonky voice acting and yet I friggin loved the game...it's like watching The Room, it's terrible...but terribly entertaining, so if I can get something like this out of Murder soul suspect, then the $100 Aussie dollars I spent on it would be worth the entertainment value I get, if all else fails...I'll trade the sucker in for Watch dogs XD