HideoK said: For the rest of the year I am curious about a couple more games. They are not definite purchases yet by any means. 1) The Evil Within - still has my interest despite some bad previews. 2) Evolve - looks really cool, I just feel that online only games don't hold my attention as much as a great single player game. 3) Shadow of Mordor - looks good, but when was the last great LOTR game... I really liked the strategy Battle for Middle Earth games on PC. 4) Alien Isolation - holds promise... 5) Diablo: Reaper Edition - will probably pick this up since I never played it on PC. 6) Call of Duty Advanced Warfare and Assassins Creed Unity -Didn't play the last entry in either, kind of over those series due to the devs milking it every year. AC3 was the last I played in the AC series so still a bad taste after that. I should probably give Black Flag a shot. 7) Dragon Age Inquisition - never played the Dragon Age franchise 8) Mass Effect Trilogy - if this comes to PS4 I will likely buy since i never played the 3rd one. But most of my excitement for games lie in 2015. Day 1 buys are: Uncharted 4, MGS V: The Phantom Pain, Arkham Knight, The Order, Witcher 3, Dying Light, and Quantic Dream's Singularity. If Final Fantasy XV has a great story I'm all in. Haven't played a Final Fantasy since XIII. Hope Resident Evil 7 is being worked on also. What game are you guys most excited for on PS4 this year and next? |
I am planning to buy a PS4 toward the end of the year and all my interests so far are RPGs.
The title I am interested in :
- Dragon Age Inquisition
- Shadows of Mordor
- Diablo : reaper of souls ( not sure if I get this on PS3 or PS4, I already paid for D3 on PC and PS3 I am not sure I want to pay another full price on the PS4).
- Witcher 3
- The Order.
My only issue is that I stll have a huge PS3 backlog .
I am currently playind AC3.
In my backlog are :
- AC 4
- Dishonored
- Infamous 2
- Batman Arkham City
- L.A.Noire
+ a dozen free titles I downloaded from PS+ ( Infamous, Tomb Raider reboot, Metro last light, Hitman absolution, Remember me, Deux Ex human revolution, Bioshock 2)
and I will buy Dark Souls 2..