Thanks for the update Arc. Why is the 2014 league no more? 
Anyway, I was playing Fez, but man it is so disappointing. Don't get me wrong, the game itself is good, but why the hell has it to be so complicated. I was having a blast, getting cubes and stuff (without guide) and then I got stuck a couple of cubes away from the goal to beat the game. Of course I've been to several levels where I had no clue what to do.
Then I started to search in the internetz and I was like: decrypting the fezian alphabet? Tetris puzzles based off some shitty boards you barely can't even clearly see the pixels, and other abstract shit to decode. WHAT THE FUCK are you talking about??? What does this game expect from a player to be beaten legitimaly? You have to think waaay out of the box to figure that stuff out on your own, or dedicate too much time to it or otherwise look up on guides. 1 or 2 times would be okay but I bet most of people that beat it don't even have a clue how the puzzles work, they just enter the codes they see on guides. What's the point of playing a puzzle game if you don't understand the puzzles and solve them with a guide?
Sorry but this is not it, I don't get Fez. Screw it.