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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Tbone said:

Going to sell my original and wait for Goty. Don´t have the time to play U3 dlc now. Started with Soul calibur and have Dead space 2 unwrapped. Still have a few games i wanna get too.

Is it confirmed that the GOTY edition will include all the new DLC? 

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DareDareCaro said:

Anyone trying the Dyad plat? I'm 6 trophies short of it now and I can tell that's a tough one. Rated 9  by so far.

4 trophies left...  Tough as hell...

DareDareCaro said:
DareDareCaro said:

Anyone trying the Dyad plat? I'm 6 trophies short of it now and I can tell that's a tough one. Rated 9  by so far.

4 trophies left...  Tough as hell...

I never even heard of Dyad before. Looks trippy... when you are done playing you must feeling like your eyes are constanting zooming in.

HideoK said:
DareDareCaro said:
DareDareCaro said:

Anyone trying the Dyad plat? I'm 6 trophies short of it now and I can tell that's a tough one. Rated 9  by so far.

4 trophies left...  Tough as hell...

I never even heard of Dyad before. Looks trippy... when you are done playing you must feeling like your eyes are constanting zooming in.

After playing 2 hours the other I was not able to sleep for hours... lol.  Neurons way too excited...

Finally got UMVC3 platinum. Was pain. Got the 2 dlc charcters for some breathing for the 480 missions.


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I just Plat Crysis part 1 was harder on normal cause I didnt have the game mechanics down Delta was pretty easy as you can sneak buy many of the enemies only other trophy that required some work was Nano Ninja I just kept getting spotted somehow hidden and cloaked.

Was working on the Sly cooper collection but I didnt really like the gameplay and dont like forcing myself to play games just for a trophies. Will start Trine 2 and superhuman run on R3 and try and finish up Assassins Creed Rev next.

Oh and props to Kivi95 on the AVP plat must have been a grind on the MP the matchmaking on that game is seriously broken and Marine nightmare run must have been tough.

I am a higher level than probably 60% of the people on my friends list, and yet I barely care about trophies.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

mysticwolf said:

I am a higher level than probably 60% of the people on my friends list, and yet I barely care about trophies.

I think if you play a lot of different games, you're going to get a lot of trophies, even if you only go through the main story of those games once.


Well just tagging.