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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

HideoK said:
Xenostar said:
Ok Guys, its time everyone buys Motorstorm RC its a fantastic game, and really great for competing on times, ive beaten all my current friends, so if your on my friends list buy it, and if your not and you own it please add me!!

Remember you get both PS3 and Vita versions for the 1 price and if your playing online apparently your save transfers between the two without you having to do anything, Although ive not tried that as i cant seem to put the Vita down to turn on the PS3.

Yeah I'm planning on getting Motorstorm RC when it hits the US PSN. I read some great reviews yesterday and I'm excited to try out cross play for buying one game for both systems. Since I got my Vita I've only been playing that too. I did boot up my PS3 for the first time in a few days to try out SSX. But I went back to Uncharted Vita after clearing 1 mountain.

Haha yep back and forth we go on the leaderboard. 2 points!! lol


Funny thing is i got 2 points for that Late Boomer trophy you helped me out with

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Jboy0990 said:
I want a vita :(

Yeah you should definitely buy one! I'm loving it and I'm playing it more than my PS3 right now.

I'm about to take a week vacation so I got the Vita just in time. Now I just need the battery extending pack so I can get more than 5 hours during my travel.

I want a Vita, but here in Brazil the price is about U$ 500 :(

I´ll have to ask someone in US to bring one for me...

playing nothing these days. FF XIII-2 is good, but I don´t know why it´s not that game that you want to keep playing and even keep thinking about when you go sleep... Maybe uncharted 3 will bring my motivation in gaming back.

Recently picked up L.A. Noire complete edition and I've only just started playing but that Heavy Rain feeling just isn't there...

A lot of my trophies this week are from VITA!
10th person to plat FF13-2!

PSN: Saugeen-Uwo     Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!

Nintendo Network ID: Saugeen-Uwo

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Recently picked up L.A. Noire complete edition and I've only just started playing but that Heavy Rain feeling just isn't there...

Why should it be? They're completly different games

KylieDog said:
Got 90 days on my PS+ left, wondering if I should renew it. I already posted about my massive backlog of games, having PS+ will just bring more, from freebies and tempting me in PS+ exclusive sales.

I'm going to renew mine.

I have gotten used to the automatic update and upload of saves feature.

I don't buy that many PSN games so it doesn't save me much but I figure I probably break even there...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

I renewed my PSN+. Actually it just did it automatically but I was gonna renew anyways lol

Ail said:
KylieDog said:
Got 90 days on my PS+ left, wondering if I should renew it. I already posted about my massive backlog of games, having PS+ will just bring more, from freebies and tempting me in PS+ exclusive sales.

I'm going to renew mine.

I have gotten used to the automatic update and upload of saves feature.

I don't buy that many PSN games so it doesn't save me much but I figure I probably break even there...

I really wish they gave you more upload space or at least the option to buy extra if you wanted.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

The Best Buy @Gamer Mag coupons are getting pretty good. Just grabbed Rage Anarchy Edition and Mass Effect 2 which I'll price adjust to $5 each once the coupons are active on Sunday. Supposedly Batman Arkham City will be $10 after coupon next week since it's on sale, too.