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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Holy cow. Look at that list, what a backlog!! My backlog only consists of about 8 games.

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So who else here bought a Vita?
I got mine yesterday and I noticed one interesting thing about the trophies. It appears they sync to my overall playstation network account on the Vita, but you can't yet see them when comparing trophies on the PS3. You can also just view them on the Vita separately under the Vita trophy tab. The trophy tab options are Vita or Playstation Network.

I wonder if Sony will release a new firmware update soon that will allow you to view the Vita trophies on the PS3.

My backlog is a lot shorter :

retail games :

- God of War 2 ( I have the HD collection and only played the first)

- L.A. Noire

- Batman Arkham City

- Vanquish

- Infamous 2


PSN full games :

- Infamous

- Tomb raider Underworld


The main thing is that I only purchase PSN games if I am planning to play them that week ( the exception being the freebies which is why I have 2 unplayed ones)


On top of these I have a list of games I want to go back to to get the plat but I never find the time, those are :

- EDF : insect Armageddon ( I'm actually playing this one on and off and closing on the plat)

- GT5

- Star Ocean 4

- Dead Space 2

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

KylieDog said:
Arcturus said:
I finished the single player campaign of Assassin's Creed Revelations a few days ago and decided to try out the multiplayer portion. AC Revelations requires an online pass for the multiplayer portion of the game. Like other games, the pass comes free with new copies of the game and is included on a separate sheet within the game case. For those that don't know, all games sold in Canada include a duplicate set of french contents (instruction manual, online passes, marketing materials, etc) in the game case.

So, I opened up the game case to search for the online pass. There were two instruction manuals (one in English, and one in French) and two sheets for the online pass. Since they don't want to provide two online passes inside of each new copy, they only include the code on the English sheet. On the French sheet, they instruct you to refer to the English sheet.

Well guess what? My copy of the game had to French online pass sheets inside the game case and no English sheet. Therefore, I didn't receive an online pass code. The game was purchased brand new and was a Christmas gift.

Thankfully Ubisoft allows to you try out the multiplayer for free with a free 3-day trial, so I was able to check it out. The multiplayer is quite fun, but I'm still pissed about their screw up.

Get in contact with Ubisoft and explain about the online pass, you'd be surprised how helpful they can be sometimes.

Yeah, I think I'll try that and see how it goes.

HideoK said:
So who else here bought a Vita?
I got mine yesterday and I noticed one interesting thing about the trophies. It appears they sync to my overall playstation network account on the Vita, but you can't yet see them when comparing trophies on the PS3. You can also just view them on the Vita separately under the Vita trophy tab. The trophy tab options are Vita or Playstation Network.

I wonder if Sony will release a new firmware update soon that will allow you to view the Vita trophies on the PS3.

I've read about the Vita trophies not appearing when you compare trophies on the PS3, but they still appear in your overall trophy count. I do hope the update the PS3 firware to allow you to view vita trophy information. I think I've alreadty run into a problem when doing the latest weekly league update. One user was showing that they had earned one new platinum trophy compared to last week. When I checked to see which platinum trophy they earned by comparing trophies on the PS3, I couldn't find the new platinum trophy. I had to assume that it was a Vita platinum.

I'm thinking of picking up a Vita within the next few months. There are plently of games out already that interest me.

What games are you picking up for your new Vita, HideoK?

Around the Network

It's good to see the league still doing well. I haven't been doing much of any gaming in the past few months. I just got the Madden 12 plat today. Seems like all the other Madden plats with the exception of a slight curveball with the MUT trophies... I still haven't gotten the Mw3 plat :(

I came here with high hopes, but it seems I'll never even be in the first 70. I am 77 now. How the hell can someone earn 90 platinums is beyond me, lol.

My platinum difficulty rating is relatively high though, at least that is something to brag about.

michael_stutzer said:
I came here with high hopes, but it seems I'll never even be in the first 70. I am 77 now. How the hell can someone earn 90 platinums is beyond me, lol.

My platinum difficulty rating is relatively high though, at least that is something to brag about.

Well aside from Xenostar most of us in the top 20 have been doing this since the platinum were released on the PS3..


Edit : You do have a good platinum rating, that is something to brag about ;)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Right now I only have Uncharted Vita and Super Stardust.
The Vita's OLED screen is incredible btw. Such a high contrast, sharp and vibrant screen. I might pick up Rayman Origins to really show off the Vita's colors and possibly Escape Plan on PSN to demo the touch & tilt features more. I read that game has some interesting uses.

Hey Jboy, welcome back. Going to be playing some new games besides Madden & MW3 soon?
In the next couple months I'm most excited about SSX, Mass Effect 3, and the new Max Payne.
Then later in the year: Hitman Absolution, Bioshock Infinite and especially Resident Evil 6 and The Last of Us all can't come out soon enough. I want those games yesterday dammit!