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My backlog is a lot shorter :

retail games :

- God of War 2 ( I have the HD collection and only played the first)

- L.A. Noire

- Batman Arkham City

- Vanquish

- Infamous 2


PSN full games :

- Infamous

- Tomb raider Underworld


The main thing is that I only purchase PSN games if I am planning to play them that week ( the exception being the freebies which is why I have 2 unplayed ones)


On top of these I have a list of games I want to go back to to get the plat but I never find the time, those are :

- EDF : insect Armageddon ( I'm actually playing this one on and off and closing on the plat)

- GT5

- Star Ocean 4

- Dead Space 2

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !