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HideoK said:
So who else here bought a Vita?
I got mine yesterday and I noticed one interesting thing about the trophies. It appears they sync to my overall playstation network account on the Vita, but you can't yet see them when comparing trophies on the PS3. You can also just view them on the Vita separately under the Vita trophy tab. The trophy tab options are Vita or Playstation Network.

I wonder if Sony will release a new firmware update soon that will allow you to view the Vita trophies on the PS3.

I've read about the Vita trophies not appearing when you compare trophies on the PS3, but they still appear in your overall trophy count. I do hope the update the PS3 firware to allow you to view vita trophy information. I think I've alreadty run into a problem when doing the latest weekly league update. One user was showing that they had earned one new platinum trophy compared to last week. When I checked to see which platinum trophy they earned by comparing trophies on the PS3, I couldn't find the new platinum trophy. I had to assume that it was a Vita platinum.

I'm thinking of picking up a Vita within the next few months. There are plently of games out already that interest me.

What games are you picking up for your new Vita, HideoK?