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mry the wii is more of a toy (IMO) deal with it.

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theprof00 said:
but you do admit that there is a dry spell right?
it's not that core games are not coming out, but it kinda sucks when it's like
the new mario
the new metroid
the new (old franchise)

not enough effort into "new" core games. even with the new core games they have,... they are not any good lol.
of course the core games will always exist because there is a market. I'm not saying they don't have core games, but that they don't have enough, and yes they are being neglected, except for new iterations of old franchise games.


But... what does that have to do with anything?


Anyway, yeah, you're right about that. Case in point; I wont be buying any wii games 'til January earliest. As for the effert not being put in? Well, all I can do is point you in the direction of some games coming out next year, which there are alot of, by the way.


What "core" games are heavily hyped for the people wanting ps3 games? Well for me, the only game I'm getting this year for it will be LBP.


Does that make the PS3 just as shitty a toy than the wii is? No. Because it's stupid trying to degrade something just being WE aren't looking forward to anything on whihever console. They're both just videogame consoles, one no more than the other.


theprof00 said:

mry the wii is more of a toy (IMO) deal with it.


The Earth is more of an apple in my opinion. Deal with it!

well effing thank you for responding like a normal human being doesntforgive.......

as for your point, i think there has been a fantastic lineup on both ps and 360 for new IP core games.
although i agree lbp is the only thing on my list too.
i just think that, in the future, core wii games might get fewer and fewer, because of this whole trend of wii music type toy game.

I think miyamoto is indeed trying to tap this market that doesn't care about points. obviously they are getting a huge reward for doing so already. by getting a reward for behavior, you continue to do said activity to a greater degree.
i am just a little worried for the future of gaming, also seeing how devs are also moving closer to the casual type game because there are less risks, and greater monetary rewards.

Mr.Y said:
theprof00 said:

mry the wii is more of a toy (IMO) deal with it.


The Earth is more of an apple in my opinion. Deal with it!

mcdonalds is more junk food (imo) deal with it.


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your posts are genuinely informative imo deal with it

So can I or can I not play video games with a Wii? Is it or is it not a system for playing video games?

Why don't you just say "I don't like the Wii"?

because i do like the wii mr.y, i just like the other consoles better.
imo if i felt that the wii really wanted me, the core gamer, as a customer, then i would support it. it just doesn't feel like they care sob sob.

haha nice one rol.... always playing the clown....

Sounds to me like a butthurt consumer regretting whatever it is he's purchased, having to resort to TRYING to justify not backing the wrong horse.

I'm bailing out. All this toy talk is making me regress


lol till the end you don't get it

i have a powerhouse pc that can play any game. trust me i am not regretful.

i dont think it's possible to regret a possession..... it is just a thing.