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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The help me find the game I'm thinking of thread.

Ok I'll go first the game I'm thinking of is a ps1 fighter, One of the characters was named Vincent Valentine, it wasnt Ehrgeiz, and I believe the final boss was a little girl though I could be wrong. It was a blast to play competetively.

Another game is a RPG that focused on collecting pokemon like monsters for the ps1, Jade- something.

One last game for now: A Dreamcast game that involved grafitti and skating. I think I should know the name of this one but it was a couple years ago.

Please help me out and post descriptions of games you want to find.

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Jade Cocoon and Jet Grind Radio are the last two

Thanx I knew I'd find those two easil but its the first one im worried about mostly.

I'm not too sure of the first one but is it Pedestra(or somthing like that).

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