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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I get Star Wars: FU?

I was really looking forward to this game....and it still  looks good to me but the reviews are so bad :*(. Gametrailers gave it a score that almost equal to Too Human <Another game that i wanted to play but never did... (and thats one of many....)

I already have $42 payed on it so i was wondering if i should move it to Fable 2 instead...

Its really hard to understand reviewers these days... they give 10/10 to games that dont deserve it.. so this game must be SUPER bad.... IM SO CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!          X_X


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Don't put your faith fully in reviewers. They're just stating what their opinion of the game is, and I often tend to disagree with them. However, if a game gets a bad reputation from a lot of people who have played it as well, you may want to steer clear. The main thing is to sort out exactly what the problems with the game are, and then think to yourself if you're willing to endure those sorts of problems or not.

You can always rent it first or buy it used (which should be plentiful within a couple days since it's a mere 6 hours long) and return or resell if it's not as fun as you'd hoped.


NO, you should say FU to Star wars.


I like the story, but wouldnt recommend wasting 60 buks for it


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If you buy it used right after the release, you'll save a whopping $5, which is not worth it for a used copy IMO. You'd be better off waiting for Amazon to discount it.

Buying it for $50-60 and trading it in within a couple weeks or less for $25-30 worth of in-store credit is an even worse idea. That's a really expensive rental.

If you're going to use reviews to tell you what to think of the game, then at least single out why the game was rated low and decide whether those reasons would be a game breaker for you.

I recently read a review that said the demo (which I was less than impressed by) was actually a poor example of what the rest of the game was like, which renewed my interest in the game.

Not a first week buy for me, but I'll probably pick it up eventually.

"Only you can know that."



It should be a good enough game on PSP or Wii if you like Star Wars. Otherwise, rent it, at best.


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Well, from what I gathered from the reviews was that for some people just looking for some kick-ass gameplay, this isn't the best choice out there. But for Star Wars fans, they seem to think its worth it more for the story (and music!). I'm actually going to go out and get it here in a bit. I really liked the demo and I think that, based on what the reviews said, it'll be worth it.

If u liked the demo and Star wars so why not.