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zexen_lowe said:
Johann said:
Ok, no one is posting here! This thread can't die!

We have to keep it going!

Nordlead's problem is too much for a human being to handle!

As for TruckOSaurus's horses one... I'm gonna guess 6 races just to get it out of the way: divide the horses in groups of five and then race the 5 winners


My guess it that isn't enough to guess the 3 fastest, say you group them by chance them this way:

1st race: 1st quickest-2nd quickest-3rd quickest-4-5

2nd race: 6-7-8-9-10

and so on, you'd end with 1-6-11-16-21 racing the final, and you'd end with 1-6-11 as the quickest horses

The safest bet is to race any horses, pick the three fastest, race them against two more, pick the three fastest and so on. That way you can be sure that you'll end with the three fastest, and it will take you 11 races. I don't know if there's one quicker way to do it, though


You're on the right track zexen but there's a faster way the determine the 3 fastest. I'll give everyone a hint in saying that after the 5 initial races you can eliminate all the horses the placed 4th and 5th because they got beat by 3 or more horses making it impossible for them to be in the top 3.


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TruckOSaurus said:
zexen_lowe said:
Johann said:
Ok, no one is posting here! This thread can't die!

We have to keep it going!

Nordlead's problem is too much for a human being to handle!

As for TruckOSaurus's horses one... I'm gonna guess 6 races just to get it out of the way: divide the horses in groups of five and then race the 5 winners


My guess it that isn't enough to guess the 3 fastest, say you group them by chance them this way:

1st race: 1st quickest-2nd quickest-3rd quickest-4-5

2nd race: 6-7-8-9-10

and so on, you'd end with 1-6-11-16-21 racing the final, and you'd end with 1-6-11 as the quickest horses

The safest bet is to race any horses, pick the three fastest, race them against two more, pick the three fastest and so on. That way you can be sure that you'll end with the three fastest, and it will take you 11 races. I don't know if there's one quicker way to do it, though


You're on the right track zexen but there's a faster way the determine the 3 fastest. I'll give everyone a hint in saying that after the 5 initial races you can eliminate all the horses the placed 4th and 5th because they got beat by 3 or more horses making it impossible for them to be in the top 3.


That's exactly what Zexen was saying, and I put it though the test also and came up with 11 races.

Race 1=
Race 2=
Race 3=
Race 4=
Race 5=
Race 6=
Race 7=
Race 8=
Race 9=
Race 10=
Race 11=

I don't see how that can break down further.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

There is a faster way.

I'll further my hint this way :

The 5 first races go like this :


To simplify, let's say they place according to their assigned number. We can eliminate 10 horses that way : 4-5-9-10-14-15-19-20-24-25.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
There is a faster way.

I'll further my hint this way :

The 5 first races go like this :


To simplify, let's say they place according to their assigned number. We can eliminate 10 horses that way : 4-5-9-10-14-15-19-20-24-25.

I tried it that way too, thinking it would give me a shortcut, but I haven't found anything yet. I may have one lead I'll test out which may cut it to 10 races, but I can't imagine it being any less than 10.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
TruckOSaurus said:
There is a faster way.

I'll further my hint this way :

The 5 first races go like this :


To simplify, let's say they place according to their assigned number. We can eliminate 10 horses that way : 4-5-9-10-14-15-19-20-24-25.

I tried it that way too, thinking it would give me a shortcut, but I haven't found anything yet. I may have one lead I'll test out which may cut it to 10 races, but I can't imagine it being any less than 10.


I'll let you try out stuff and I'll come back later to see if you need more hints!


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Around the Network

Gahh, your hints are making it harder :P.

Okay. Idea.


If any is faster than 3,

So now you have either 1.2.3 left, and have sent out 6 in 2 races, or have 1.2.6 left (which gets translated to 1.2.3 later) in 3 races.

Wouldn't this get it done faster, at least potentially?

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

What you gotta realize is that the information gathered from the first 5 races is useful for further races. So racing all 25 horses in the first 5 races has the advantage of giving information about every horse.

Signature goes here!

What if you race all horses in 5 races first.
Then you race the winners in every race.
This way we can eliminate all except the number 2 and 3 from the race of the horse that one won the winners race, and nr 2 from the race of the horse that came second. Oh, and except the 3 winners of the winners race, ofc.

We now have 6 horses left. No?

That means we would have 5 horses left to test, since we already know which horse came first. How convenient. They all fit in one race! The nr 1 and 2 in that race are nr 2 and 3 globally.

You do it in 7 races!

Is this correct?

This is invisible text!

Killergran said:

What if you race all horses in 5 races first.
Then you race the winners in every race.
This way we can eliminate all except the number 2 and 3 from the race of the horse that one won the winners race, and nr 2 from the race of the horse that came second. Oh, and except the 3 winners of the winners race, ofc.

We now have 6 horses left. No?

That means we would have 5 horses left to test, since we already know which horse came first. How convenient. They all fit in one race! The nr 1 and 2 in that race are nr 2 and 3 globally.

You do it in 7 races!

Is this correct?

And we have a winner! That's exactly it.


Signature goes here!

Ok, another easy one to keep it going:

2, 3, 10, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22...

What is the next number?

Quem disse que a boca é tua?

Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!