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Forums - General Discussion - Which star wars is the best?

I would have to say episode 2.

I think the acting is the best in that movie.

I like the music.

You learn yoda has a lightsaber!

You see a whole bunch of jedi at once on geonosis.

And you see how the clones were made.

What do you guys think?

Around the Network #6...episode III. Revenge of the Sith. Favorite ^^ Its incredible...great effects, cool fights...and its the movie where the balanced is reached.

Maynard_Tool said: #6...episode III. Revenge of the Sith. Favorite ^^ Its incredible...great effects, cool fights...and its the movie where the balanced is reached.



Movie way!

Episode 2 is considered by many to be the worst movie in the series, at least from an acting and fighting standpoint. It also completely ruined the concept of "The Clone Wars" which sounded awesome when you heard about them in 4-6. Thank god for the cartoon.

A lot of people will probably say Episode 5, but I'd go with Episode 6. Everything from the awesome Palpatine quotes at the climax to Luke's badassness (not a word, and I don't care) as a Jedi Knight at the beginning.



Dude the revenge of the sith is the best. You get to know how dart vader is born. And the profecy(?) about the choosen one gets fullfilled... all the jedis that die xD best star wars movie least, imo

Around the Network

Rogue Squadron 2 was amazing.

Also Pod Racer was good on the N64.

If we are talking films then I'd say...
Ep 6
Ep 5
Ep 4
Ep 3
Ep 2
Ep 1

Films in order of prefernce

A New Hope
Return Of The Jedi
Revenge Of The Site
The Empire Strikes Back
Attack Of The Clones
The Phantom Menace

But I liked em all.

5, though I must say, the podrace in I and clone battles in 2 were just plain awesome, and I did love 3, but 5 is just special, maybe it is just the battle of Hoth, which I must say is one of my favourite battles (in BF II as well!)

Empire Strikes Back.

MontanaHatchet said:
Episode 2 is considered by many to be the worst movie in the series, at least from an acting and fighting standpoint. It also completely ruined the concept of "The Clone Wars" which sounded awesome when you heard about them in 4-6. Thank god for the cartoon.

A lot of people will probably say Episode 5, but I'd go with Episode 6. Everything from the awesome Palpatine quotes at the climax to Luke's badassness (not a word, and I don't care) as a Jedi Knight at the beginning.


I thought the battle of geonosis at the end was spectacular.

A lot of the dialog and acting did suck though.


My favorite is either Revenge of the Sith or Return of the Jedi, both had AMAZING climaxes.