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Forums - General Discussion - Do you flush your toilet paper or throw it in the garbage?

I use baby wipes because its gentle on my tush so I cant throw flush that or thow it in the toilet so I throw it at neigborhood kids for Halloween thats right i save it for an entire year just for Halloween.

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neither XD

El Duderino said:

What the hell is toilet paper ??? Don´t you guys know how to use the three seashells ???

How geeky is it that I had a fit of laughter when I saw that. Demolition man FTW.

Umm. comedy answers hmmm...


I recycle it... the bad way


Ever tried getting a piece of toiler paper wet with water, and then wiping something? Notice how it immediately breaks apart? That's because it's designed to get all squishy and slushy when it gets wet, and thus be easier to flush.

I can faintly remember being in some third rate toilet in some third world country where there was a sign saying something like "please put the toilet paper in the bin", but I flushed it anyway. I mean... just eww! o_O

I just tuck it all back in there, then shit it out again in the toilet. All cleaned!

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What, do you use toilet paper?

Burn it. I have an incinerator built into the bathroom. It coincidentally acts as both a heater during winter and turns the bathroom into a sauna.

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of course i flush, what kind of a sick fuck takes his shit covered tp and throws it in the trash to stink up the room!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!